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Why Bahariya Oasis is called Egypt’s Green Pearl in the Sahara Desert?

When planning a place to travel, we often give more preference to lush green places that have diverse vegetation and serene landscapes. A desert such as the Sahara is often a place that is only preferred by adventurous, brave people who are running out of places to visit new destinations.

What if we told you that you could get a glimpse of lush green landscapes in the middle of the Sahara Desert? You will be surprised and want to visit this place first. Bahariya Oasis is one such fascinating place situated in Egypt. Bahariya Oasis falls in the vast stretches of the Saharan Desert; however, contrasting the surrounding arid dry belt, the oasis gives relief with its sweet water springs and vast patches of lush green vegetation. Its unique scenery and landscapes give Bahariya its name as Egypt’s Green Pearl. In this blog, Yup Africano will take you through a detailed guide to why it is called so. Be ready to pack your bags and begin a journey to a wonderland by the end of this blog.

Also read our blog titled, “Why Yup Africano is the Best Way to Book Your Next Vacation”. The blog will give you all the compelling reasons to book your vacation with us.

Geological Marvel

Bahariya Oasis is located approximately 370 kilometers southwest of Cairo in Egypt’s Western Desert. It occupies a region of around 2,000 square kilometers and is one of Egypt’s seven main oases. This oasis’s geological formation gives it the unique quality and name of being Egypt’s Green Pearl. The oasis is covered by high limestone plateaus on all its borders. This unique formation efficiently traps rainfall and produces a microclimate that is favorable for the growth of plant and animal life. Also, Bahariya Oasis is situated in a depression or basin, which is another reason why vegetation and plant life grow so well here. The fertile soil and vegetation make the oasis a true treasure in the Sahara desert. Apart from tourists, many researchers and geologists routinely visit the place to discover its hidden treasures and learn more about nature. Farafra is a neighboring oasis to Bahariya. You can plan Farafra to Bahariya Oasis tour packages with Yup Africano on a budget that suits you.

Discover another hidden oasis in Egypt: Siwa. We have published an entire article on it in our blog section.

History of Human Settlement

To be qualified to be called a Green Pearl, a place must sustain life and civilization. Bahariya truly qualifies as Egypt’s Green Pearl because it has been home to numerous civilizations for thousands of years. The oasis has a long history that can be traced back thousands of years. It is one of Egypt’s oldest continuously inhabited places. The oasis is thought to have been home to people since the Neolithic age. The oasis has hosted numerous civilizations over the years, including the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Arabs. Due to its abundant water supply, it functioned as an important commercial and agricultural hub, producing products such as dates, olives, wheat, and many more local staples. To take a glimpse into the history that dates back thousands of years, you must plan a trip to Egypt from Dubai with Yup Africano. While visiting this oasis, you can also explore other ancient wonders in Egypt.

Natural Springs and Wells

Water is life. Go anywhere around the globe, from east to west and north to south, and you will find abundance and prosperity where there is plenty of water. In the case of Bahariya, this is very true, as the oasis’ natural water resources are one of the main elements that contribute to its lush vegetation and green landscapes.

The oasis has a network of natural springs and wells that ensure a steady and reliable supply of fresh water throughout the year. The hot spring at Bir al-Gebel, known for its healing powers, is the most well-known of these springs. The oasis is a special ecological hotspot because these water sources support different flora and wildlife in addition to sustaining agriculture. You must plan to visit natural springs and include them in your customized Bahariya Oasis tour packages from Dubai with Yup Africano.

Diverse Flora and Fauna

The Bahariya Oasis is a biodiverse sanctuary in the middle of the desert, visited by tourists as well as researchers and scholars from different fields of study. Here you will find palm trees, fruit orchards, and agricultural fields in vast stretches.

The area is densely abundant in vegetation, all of which grows well in the rich soil that the area’s natural springs have nourished. Common fruit orchards here are date palms, acacia trees, and olive groves, which stand in striking contrast to the desert surroundings. Additionally, the oasis is a popular spot for birdwatchers and nature lovers because it is home to a variety of wildlife species, including birds, reptiles, and small mammals. If you are a bird lover or a wildlife enthusiast, planning a customized group trip to Egypt with Yup Africano to Bahariya will give you a unique experience.

Cultural Treasure Trove

If you think that the place frequented by tourists, Bahariya Oasis, will be all glitzy and modern, then you must think again. The locals have managed to retain and preserve its cultural and archaeological history in addition to its natural beauty. Ancient temples, tombs, and artifacts from the Roman era are among the historical sites and ruins that can be visited in the oasis. The ruins of the Roman city of Oxyrhynchus, the Valley of the Golden Mummies, and the Temple of Alexander the Great are just a few examples of the extensive historical heritage that this oasis preserves. These locations add to the oasis’ attractiveness by providing a window into the lives of earlier civilizations. You must start planning your trip to this wonderful oasis. For rates and customization of your Bahariya Oasis tour packages, you can get in touch with Team Yup Africano.

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