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The only thing that comes to the mind of most people when they hear the word Egypt is “Pyramids”. But honestly, pyramids make up a really very tiny part of this nation. Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations on earth and its ancestors left behind hundreds of treasures. The sites in Egypt are hard to miss; they take the onlooker to a different dimension.

From the temples of Karnak to the wondrous views of the Nile River, and not to forget a living oasis in the middle of the desert called Siwa, Egypt is full of surprises and offers a lot of things to its visitors.

Be it a history enthusiast or a person interested in exploring architectural marvels, Egypt offers something for travelers of each type. Let us explore the jaw-dropping site of ancient Egypt in this article by Yup Africano.

Philae Temple

Philae is an island nestled in a reservoir, with most of what once surrounded it now buried below. It is a must-see for genuine explorers and ancient history buffs. It’s famous for its temple complex dedicated to the ancient Egyptian goddess Isis. The ancient Egyptian goddess still has devotees today, but they have spread throughout the world. Her devotees have moved to places such as Italy, Greece, and Hungary. The Temple of Isis was built as part of another relocation attempt to stop future flooding, and it occupies around one-quarter of the island. It also has other intriguing relics of what was once a vital stronghold for the Egyptian kingdom. Explore this ancient wonderland with your Africano by booking Dubai to Egypt tour packages.

The valley of kings

If you want to summarize the lives of ancient Egyptians, then this is the place to visit. By visiting just one place, you can summarize the life and death of ancient Egyptians. You can even get inspired by watching the scriptures on the walls of this gigantic structure.

The Valley of Death is a large place that was constructed over a period of 500 years. It is the place where the largest number of pharaohs and ancient Egyptian leaders are commemorated in one single place. It has more than 60 tombs and an even greater number of chambers. It was a place that was maintained until the 11th century BC, and in the modern era it was discovered around 200 years ago and since then it has been maintained. This is a place that must not be missed when you visit Egypt, so call us today and arrange your customized group trips from Dubai to Egypt.

Luxor Temple

If you are someone who wants to see both sides of Egypt, ancient and modern, then visiting Luxor is the best thing to do. Luxor, located near the ancient Egyptian capital, is a magnificent city with many modern tourist attractions. The ancient temple at its heart has weathered the test of time as its most recognizable feature. It was constructed of sandstone in the second century BC and boasts a succession of open courtyards as well as spectacular sculptures of Ramesses the Great and other Egyptian symbols. It’s a joy to view the sunset over its columns, which are open till late. Arrange a trip to Egypt from Dubai today at exciting prices with us.

Temple of Kom Ombo

Ancient Egypt is full of temples, and most Egyptian temples are different from each other. The distinct feature of this temple is that it honors two deities within one temple. The sculptures of these two long-lived deities are symmetrical and are described in several Egyptian mythologies and stories.

The two deities to which this temple is dedicated are Haroeris, the falcon god, and Sobek, the crocodile god. Both were prominent figures in ancient Egyptian culture, and that is why this marvelous structure was built as a dedication to them.

This temple is a fairly new structure that survived the 19th-century dynasty. Yup Africano offers some of the most affordable Egypt tour packages from the UAE.


Karnak is one spectacular location that has made its way into several Hollywood films. One of the recent films that featured this ancient wonderland is the movie “Death on the Nile”. Based on a novel with the same title, this movie revolved around the river Nile and Karnak temples.

Karnak is pretty near to Luxor, so you can plan a consecutive trip to Karnak from Luxor. You can even arrange for private yacht rides to this place with us. Karnak has several complexes of temples adjoined to one another. You can get a history lesson in ancient Egypt by visiting this place. Yup Africano has different types of Egypt packages from Dubai: premium, and even affordable ones.

The Great Sphinx

The Pyramid is the most famous ancient monument in Egypt. With the head of a pharaoh sitting on the body of a lion, one gets compelled to wonder what the mystery behind this amazing structure could be. It is believed the head is of the pharaoh who built the second largest pyramid in Giza. While some legends say that the head is dedicated to the sun god of Egypt, “Ra”. The name Rs gets translated to “father of dread”. But its exact origins remain a big mystery.

The Pyramids

How can we sum up an article related to the ancient wonders of Egypt without mentioning the great pyramids of Giza? It is one of the most visited tourist spots in Egypt. There are three pyramids located in Giza. The largest of all pyramids is called the Great Pyramid of Giza and is also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops. It stands tall at an astounding height of 140 m. It was a royal tomb built to honor the great pharaoh whose dynasty ruled Egypt more than 4000 years ago.

Concluding Lines

Ancient Egypt was one of the most advanced civilizations, whose signs can still be witnessed today. It is a fund and yet adventurous journey exploring ancient Egypt.

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