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Explore the Hidden Treasures of Egypt: Farafra Oasis and Bahariya Oasis

Egypt is famous for its gigantic pyramids and the world’s longest river, the Nile. But did you know that Egypt has much more than these to offer? Among all the breathtaking places, Bahariya and Farafra Oasis are two worth visiting.

The breathtaking landscape and exposure to local culture will make your trip to Egypt worth visiting. In these serene oases, you will be able to explore a side of Egypt beyond the bustling cities and the tourist crowds near the Pyramids. In this blog, Yup Africano will take you through a detailed guide to visiting places and hidden gems in both of these oases. By the end of the blog, we are sure you will be tempted to include a visit to these oases in your next visit to Egypt from Dubai. So read until the end without missing any parts.

Also read our detailed blog on “Siwa: The Dreamy Oasis in the Middle of Dessert”. The blog has details of another oasis in Egypt named Siwa. It is yet another hidden gem worth visiting, along with Bahariya and Farafra. With Yup Africano, you can include a visit to all three oases in your Egypt tour packages and customize your trip as per your liking and comfort.

Let us first go through Farafra Oasis

Farafra Oasis: The Land of White Dessert

The Farafra Oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert is called the “Land of the White Desert” by both locals and tourists. Its fascinating scenery and enchanting landscape give it this unique name. As the name suggests, the place is equally enchanting and a must-include in your trip to Egypt from Dubai. You’ll find a mesmerizing landscape in Farafra with large patches of white chalk rock formations that have been shaped by nature over millions of years. Exploring the Farafra Oasis will be an unforgettable experience for you and your family. It is a true wonder of the natural world. If you are visiting Egypt for the first time, read our blog titled, “9 Tips for Visiting Egypt for the First Time”. The blog has complete details to make your first visit to Egypt splendid and stress-free.

Places worth Visiting in Farafra

The White Dessert

As we read above, Farafra is known as the land of the white desert in Egypt, and the white desert is the crown jewel of this enchanting oasis. Imagine a place that resembles the moon, where white stone and chalk formations rise from the floor of the desert, creating a tableau of white peaks and valleys. The places become more magical during the peak hours of sunrise and sunset. With colorful sunrises and sunsets, the landscape changes its colors to beautiful warm, and golden hues. If you are someone who enjoys capturing frames, then Farafra is a dream place for you. If you are planning a trip to Egypt, then you must include a visit to the White Desert in your Farafra Oasis tour packages with Yup Africano.

Magic Spring

Farafra is primarily known for its desert and white moonlike landscape; however, this hidden gem has another hidden spot named Magic Spring. Magic Spring is a surprising spring in the middle of the desert with sweet water surrounded by arid desert land. The locals believe that the spring water has healing properties, and it is a famous spot among tourists and locals to relax and rejuvenate. You can cover these popular spots in Egypt and then proceed towards Bahariya. You can get complete details on Farafra to Bahariya Oasis tour packages with Team Yup Africano. You can either directly call us or drop us a contact request on our website.

Other noteworthy places to visit and experiences to have in Farafra are visits to Crystal Mountain, Adin Khadra, Dakhla Oasis Excursion, and stargazing. The details of these places will be updated in our upcoming blogs.

Let Us Now Explore the Gems of Bahariya Oasis

Bahariya Oasis: The Gateway to the Sahara

Located about 370 kilometers southwest of Cairo, Bahariya Oasis is frequently referred to as the “Gateway to the Sahara.” This lush oasis is in dramatic contrast to the desert terrain around it and has unique and special attractions that are waiting to be discovered. A visit to Bahariya will make your Egypt trip from Dubai complete and give you memories that will be cherished forever. You can plan easy, customized group trips to Egypt with your entire family with Yup Africano in simple and easy steps.

Places worth Visiting in Bahariya

Valley of the Golden Mummies

If you have grown up watching the History Channel, then we are sure you will love exploring this archeological marvel. In the most recent years, Bahariya Oasis has been a central attraction among tourists from all over the globe for some of the most important archaeological discoveries found in the region. An old graveyard from the Greco-Roman era was discovered in Bahariya, which is called the Valley of the Golden Mummies. You will get to see well-preserved mummies here that are decked with gold jewelry and masks, providing a window into Egypt’s illustrious past. A visit to the Valley of Golden Mummies is a must-have in your Bahariya Oasis tour packages from Dubai.

Black Dessert

When we imagine a dessert, we always imagine golden sand out of habit because this is what we see in most of the desserts around the world. However, when you visit Bahariya with Yup Africano, you will witness a mesmerizing black dessert in the middle of a golden dessert in Bahariya. The black rocks are remnants of an active volcano that erupted thousands of years ago and left these unique black rocks as its residue. The place is popular for pre-wedding and post-wedding photo shoots, along with full-day family picnics and many other activities.

Other noteworthy places to visit and activities to do in Bahariya are hot springs, sandboarding, camel riding, visiting Tombs of the Nobles, taking a sunset safari, bird watching, and indulging in a dessert camp experience.

Don’t forget to read our 5 tips for exploring Egyptian ruins.

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