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Essential Pre-Travel Tips for Kenya Explorers with Yup Africano

When you think about Kenya, magnificent images of safari jeeps and stunning beaches lapped by the Indian Ocean come to mind. Beyond Kenya’s stunning natural settings, however, Nairobi provides fascinating urban and cultural experiences as well. Visiting Kenya doesn’t just give you a holiday but rather a cultural trip. To help you make your Kenya trip happy and hassle-free, in this blog post, Yup Africano, which is one of the top destinations where you can book your Kenya safari package from Dubai, is listing essential pre-travel tips. We are covering everything from appropriate attire to be worn during the trip to manners that people follow and safety and visa requirements. So read this entire blog and share it with your friends.

Related Read: Why Kenya Should Be at the Top of Your Travel List in 2024

1.Getting Vaccination Certificates

Traveling to Kenya requires having the latest vaccination records since the country is not free from many diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, and others that the majority of Western countries are free from. You can get correct information about which vaccination certificates you need to get specifically to travel to Kenya from the Kenyan embassy, as these regulations differ between different African countries. Certain vaccinations need to be received within a specific window of time before your trip. For example, the vaccination against yellow fever needs to be given at least ten days before the trip date. Alternatively, you can visit the Yup Africano office, and while booking your Kenya holiday packages from Dubai, you can get detailed information about vaccination from our experts.

2.Manners to Follow in Kenya

Kenya is a stunning country with people who have hearts of gold. The majority of people are open-minded and are welcoming towards tourists. They are always happy to greet visitors with open arms and big smiles since they are extremely proud of their natural and cultural heritage. Meeting locals is one of the most rewarding aspects of traveling, so keep an open mind and heart, and don’t be afraid to say hello and engage in conversation with everybody you meet. You will not only gain a genuine understanding of Kenyan culture, but you will also come away inspired by their unwavering love and devotion to conserving and coexisting with the natural world. As regards manners, we suggest you follow the basic mannerisms that you follow in your home country and be respectful towards the local culture and traditions, and you will be good to go.

Here is a list of what you can explore in Kenya beyond Wildlife Safari! The top 7 activities you can enjoy on your next vacation.

3. Dressing for Kenya

As we discussed above, Kenyans are one of the most open-minded and welcoming people. For dressing, there are no such restrictions in the country. You can wear cocktail dresses when you stay at a resort and are partying there. For city tours, you can wear cargo, jeans, shorts, or even skirts. However, when people book African safari packages from Dubai, we recommend that they wear long-sleeved clothes and carry gel-based mosquito repellents during their jungle visits and safaris, as they will be dealing with a lot of wildlife and insects over there.

4. Weather in Kenya

Kenya is located across the equator; hence, its temperature is typically hot and dry. There are two distinct seasons in Kenya: dry and wet. The wet season is when it rains, and it is typically between April and June and October and December. On the other hand, it also occasionally rains during summer and winter times—these are occasionally accompanied by thunderstorms. So when you book a Kenya safari package from Dubai, make sure you carry water-resistant hiking boots and a lightweight rain jacket with you at all times. Another thing is that it might get rather chilly in Kenya in the mornings and evenings, so carrying a few woolen is a great option. You will probably be going on safari during these periods, so make sure you have enough warm gear.

5. Other Necessary Things You Must Carry to Kenya

In addition to clothing, prescription medications, and foods that meet your dietary needs, you should also bring binoculars, a good zoom lens camera (particularly if you plan to take wildlife photos), a power bank, a universal power adapter, a flashlight with extra batteries, a water bottle, insect repellent, sandals, sunscreen, and a sturdy backpack. Since plastic bags, including duty-free plastic bags, are prohibited in Kenya as of 2017, please make sure you don’t use or bring any into the nation while you are visiting. Instead, you can carry reusable bags made out of sustainable materials like cotton and jute. Carrying these extra essentials will make your trip happy and seamless. Remember to carry all of this when you book your holiday packages from Dubai to Kenya.

Also, read about 7 must-do things in Kenya.

6. Safety of Tap Water in Kenya

It is generally a good idea for travelers to stick to bottled water to avoid contact with any foreign bacteria that could make them sick. Many sources state that the tap water in Mombasa and Nairobi is drinkable; however, at Yup Africano, we don’t recommend this. Outside of these two cities, anyway, bottled mineral water is recommended over tap water. For additional information on traveling to Kenya and to book Kenya tour packages from Dubai, you can call Yup Africano to get attractive deals.

7. Tips for Eating Food in Kenya

When you explore food options outside of star-rated resorts or lodges in Kenya, exercise caution because the quality and preparation of the meat may not always be appropriate for a foreigner’s delicate stomach. Additionally, keep in mind that food hygiene in Kenya is far more basic than it is in other countries, so it is best to avoid anything that appears dirty, stale, or improperly prepared. Additionally, since salad dressings and drink ice may have come into contact with unclean water, it is a good idea to avoid using them on your trip.


By following the above tips, you can make your African safari Dubai experiences wonderful and memorable. For bookings and further information about traveling to Kenya, get in touch with Yup Africano.

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