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9 Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Is it safe for women to travel alone? This is a frequent question that many female travelers who plan to travel solo have. Some ladies are curious about which places are safe and which aren’t. You can get answers to all these questions with Yup Africano. Our team has professionals from diverse backgrounds who can not only suggest the safest places in Africa for female travelers but can also help you plan an itinerary that will allow you to have a safe trip as a solo female traveler.

Families and friends suggest travel experiences and stories all the time, which may deter women from traveling solo. Even though arranging for group tour packages from Dubai to destinations in Africa is easy at Yup Africano, we suggest females should give solo travel a chance at least once in their lives. Experiences of traveling alone can be fulfilling in ways that other travel experiences cannot. You can venture beyond your comfort zone and still have a secure journey. In this blog post, Yup Africano shares 9 safety tips for solo female travelers to help them have a safe solo trip. Read this blog till the end and share it with your friends.

1. Use Share Taxis Mindfully When Travelling Solo

Sharing a taxi is an obvious choice when you plan group travel from Dubai. However, in that case, you are sharing a taxi with your friends and family, which is a very safe choice to make. But when traveling alone, you must be very cautious when you hail a cab. Experts at Yup Africano suggest that you use ride-hailing applications available in most countries, or you can use ridesharing services like Uber.

Your position can be tracked, and the fare can be standardized by using Uber or a local app. In addition, you can frequently follow along on the app and view the driver’s ratings to confirm that you are going in the right direction. Above all, be sure the license plate on the vehicle you are entering matches the one on the app. Alternatively, you may use the airport’s approved taxis or let Yup Africano arrange for a taxi when you book your travel package from Dubai.

2. Drink and Date Cautiously When in a Foreign Country

Who doesn’t drink when holidaying? Especially when you plan a solo trip in a city like Dubai which has one of the best nightlife in the world, having a few beverages is okay. You can even arrange customized Dubai tours with Yup Africano to get a better grasp of Dubai’s nightlife. However, we suggest that you drink carefully and never drink and drive.

When drinking, it is a good idea to tell a friend or relative where you are going if you are going out on your own for the evening. You might even use your smartphone to communicate your whereabouts in real-time and send a live location to your family. Similarly, if you plan on dating during your holidays abroad, meet in a public area. This way, you can just leave if things aren’t going well for you.

Do read our blog titled “Go a Little Off Track: Visit Marsa Alam in Egypt.”

3. To Travel Safely Carry a Firm Look On Your Face

While certain places are safer than others, you should generally try to avoid becoming a simple target by having a confident look. Yup Africano recommends that you look like you know where you are going when you stroll down the street, especially late at night. Go inside a café or shop and use your phone to find directions if you are lost. Keep your purse closed with a zipper, and make sure it is never left alone. In case something goes wrong, make sure you have the local emergency numbers for the area you are visiting. One of the best things you can do when traveling solo is arrange for private tours in Dubai. Private tours give you the freedom and space to be yourself while traveling solo.

4. Leave Your Costly Gadgets Home

Whether you plan for group tours from Dubai or solo trips from Dubai to Africa, we suggest that you leave costly gadgets and jewelry at home. Surely, wearing your favorite jewelry can be enjoyable, but flashy watches or jewelry might attract unwelcome attention and may cause a serious problem, especially for solo female travelers. If you choose to wear jewelry, buy some costume jewelry to bring with you, or, better yet, buy some reasonably priced local jewelry to wear while visiting. This strategy will make you appear less of a target and help you blend in.

5. Hide Your Phone for a Safe Solo Trip

Cell phone theft is more common in some risky cities, particularly if there isn’t an Apple store there (iPhones are valuable on the local black market). Invest in a concealed passport holder belt that you can wear around your waist if you intend to travel to any of these locations all alone. These little bags are invisible, fit inside your skirt or pants, and also hold your phone inside of them. When you arrange private tours in Dubai itself, you lower your chances of mobile theft altogether.

Related Read: Top 7 Outdoor Activities to Do in Marsa Alam

6. Dress According to the Local Culture

Pack clothes that will help you fit in if you are visiting a conservative nation. To avoid drawing unwelcome attention, be aware of the customs and culture of the nation. When you book your solo trip from Dubai to Africa with Yup Africano, we can give you proper guidance on the local countries and traditions that you are planning to visit in Africa. We suggest that you carry a couple of clothing items that cover your shoulders and knees so you feel comfortable exploring, even if you are heading somewhere hot.

7. Buy a Local SIM Card

Buying a local SIM card for the country you are visiting is a wise financial decision if you are traveling abroad. You will then be able to feel connected thanks to local calling and mobile data. Having instant access to a local phone number gives you a safety net when trapped in difficult situations.

8. Pack Light When Travelling Solo

If you have fewer items to manage, you are less likely to lose anything—aside from the fact that you will have to carry everything by yourself. Additionally, if you want to be able to come and go quickly, you might choose to use a backpack rather than a suitcase. This keeps you self-sufficient and safe when traveling solo.

9. Be Prepared for the Worst

This advice has two parts. Yes, you should arrange your things, have the required paperwork, etc., to be ready for your vacation. However, you should also mentally be ready for any mishap. Have a plan in place for handling the most likely unfortunate scenarios, such as becoming lost or stolen. This way, when traveling solo, you will be at ease and have a safe trip.

Also, read our blog titled “Complete Guide for Planning a Vacation to Tanzania From Dubai.”


Above, we shared nine tips for solo female travelers. These tips will allow women to travel safely and securely, whether traveling alone or with a group. For more details, get in touch with Yup Africano.

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