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Explore Siwa’s Historical Marvels

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Explore Siwa’s Historical Marvels

When we talk about visiting Egypt, all we can think of are the mummies and the pyramids, but there is a whole different world apart from these usual attractions in this wonderful country. Siwa, Farafra, and Bahariya are three of the most wonderful oases in Egypt. Out of them, Siwa is the most popular.

You will be surprised to know, but Siwa got in touch with the normal world just recently, almost a couple of decades ago. The place is as beautiful as it can be. You will find many resorts and retreats in Siwa that combine old-world charm with modern aesthetics. If you are wondering what should be done in Siwa, then there are a lot of things you can do, including exploring historical marvels and sites that take you back in time. In this blog, Yup Africano, which is one of the leading agencies that organizes customized trips to Egypt from Dubai, will take you through a detailed guide to historical and ancient experiences and sites that you can visit in Siwa. So read till the end without missing any parts.

Also, read our blog titled “Siwa, The Dreamy Oasis In The Middle Of Dessert”.

The Ancient Oracle of Amun

Siwa has a history dating back thousands of years, and the ancient Oracle of Amun is central to this ancient history. This was an ancient site of pilgrimage where devotees from far away traveled hundreds of years ago. You can book your Dubai to Egypt tour packages with Yup Africano and include a visit to Siwa. Trust us, you will completely love the experience.

It was believed that the oracle had special powers and had political significance in ancient times. People seeking guidance from God visited this oracle to gain knowledge and wisdom. Even Alexander the Great, who almost conquered the entire world, visited the Oracle of Amun. His visit to the place was full of adventure, and many stories about it are told in the local culture. Many shows and movies revolve around Alexander the Great’s visit to Siwa. If anybody discusses the history of Siwa today, then it will be incomplete without mentioning his visit to Siwa to discover the ancient Oracle of Amun.

Also, read our blog titled “Everything You Need to Know about Visiting Siwa.” Reading it will give you a lot of insights into visiting Siwa.

The Mountain of the Dead

Looking at the place’s name, anyone would get confused about what sort of place this is. However, you don’t need to worry, as the Mountain of the Dead is a historical site in Siwa that has tombs of the 26th dynasty. The tombs have intricate carvings and stories of the deceased written on them. So if you are an artist or an author looking for your next inspiration, you might find one in the Mountain of the Dead. All you have to do is book your customized group trips in Dubai to Siwa with us, and we will take care of the rest.

We can arrange for a guide for you in Siwa with whom you can experience the mountain of the dead just like the locals do. When you take a closer look at the tomb, you will learn about the funeral practices of ancient Siwa along with their fascinating life stories.

Do read our blog titled “5 Tips and Tricks for Preparing Your Trip” to get ready for your upcoming trip.

Cleopatra’s Spring

Who doesn’t want to be young forever? Well, if you are on your quest for the secret to youth, then Siwa might just have the answer for you. “Cleopatra’s Spring” is rumored to be a bathing spot that the legendary Queen Cleopatra visited quite often. It is also called Cleopatra’s Bath by the locals. It is a natural spring located beneath lush green palm groves in Siwa. The crystal-clear waters are not only refreshing but also carry with them a sense of regal history. Visitors can immerse themselves in the same waters where Cleopatra is believed to have bathed, connecting with an ancient era of opulence. The best thing about this place is that it is hundreds of years old and has a magnificent charm. There are many souvenir shops near the spring, so you can also pick up a few goodies as memorabilia for your home. You can also pick gifts for your friends and share your secret of youth with them. One thing is for sure: Yup Africano promises that you will have the best time here when you book your Egypt packages from Dubai to Siwa with us.

Also, check out our blog, which shows 5 amazing things to do in Siwa Oasis.

The Siwa House Museum

Museums are certainly charming in themselves. The Siwa House Museum is one such place that will give you a closer look into the ancient history of Siwa. You can arrange for a curated journey through Siwa’s history by booking your tickets for the Siwa House Museum, which stands as a beacon. The museum building is similar to the traditional Siwan dwelling; the museum showcases artifacts, textiles, and tools that provide a comprehensive understanding of the oasis’s heritage. It serves as a bridge between the past and present, offering a glimpse into the daily lives of Siwan communities across different epochs. You can book your tickets to visit this museum along with your Egypt tour packages from the UAE. By booking your tickets in advance, you will avoid last-minute queues and hassles.

You may also be interested in taking a look at our blog, illustrating 5 unforgettable adventure destinations in Africa.

Concluding Lines

When you are planning your trip to Egypt from Dubai, Siwa is a must-visit place. From exploring the mountain of the dead and learning about the stories of the royal deceased family to exploring the house museum of Siwa, if history is your favorite subject, then you will find Siwa magical and fascinating. Book your trip with Yup Africano for a smooth and unforgettable experience.

Explore Farafra’s Ancient Archaeological Sites

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Explore Farafra’s Ancient Archaeological Sites

When people think of planning a trip to Egypt, pyramids are the only thing that comes to mind. However, Egypt is home to several oases, such as Siwa, Bahariya, Farafra, and more. The three mentioned here are some of the most popular oases in Egypt, each with its unique charm. Out of all these oases, Farafra is one of the most enchanting places and has many ancient archaeological sites to explore. Many people especially plan customized group trips to Egypt with Yup Africano to visit the unique ancient sites that easily transport you to the bygone era.

In this blog, Yup Africano, one of the leading travel agencies that specializes in planning group and solo trips to Egypt and Africa, will take you through a detailed guide to must-visit ancient archeological places in Farafra. So read the entire blog till the end without missing anything.

Related read: “9 Tips for Your First Visit to Egypt.”

The Temple of Dush also known as a Spiritual Oasis

The temple of Dush isn’t known to many people; however, it is located at the heart of Farafra. It is an ancient religious site dating back to the Roman era. This ancient religious site is dedicated to the god Amun. A notable factor about the temple is that it has a fascinating blend of Egyptian and Roman architectural styles, which is quite rare to observe elsewhere.

When you visit the temple of Dush on your customized Farafra tour from Dubai, you will see intricately carved reliefs that tell stories of religious ceremonies, offering insights into the spiritual practices of the ancient inhabitants of the oasis. Visitors can wander through the temple’s courtyards, marvel at the well-preserved columns, and imagine the rituals that once took place within these sacred walls.

Visit Tombs of the Nobles to get Glimpses of the Elite

Popular with locals The Tomb of the Nobles is another archaeological marvel located in Farafra. Yup Africano highly recommends you visit this place, especially if you are into design or architecture fields. You can easily include a visit to this place in your Farafra to Bahariya Oasis tour packages with us.

The landscape extends to the Tombs of the Nobles and is similar to a necropolis that provides a glimpse into the lives of the elite during the Greco-Roman period. You will be observing carvings on the rocky hillsides at these tombs, which also feature elaborate paintings and inscriptions, showcasing the wealth and status of their occupants. Can you imagine how good the quality of the paint will be if, even after thousands of years, you can still see the ancient paintings? As you explore the chambers adorned with vibrant murals, you can’t help but feel a connection to the aristocracy of a bygone era. You must include a visit to Farafra in your Egypt tour packages.

Also, read our blog titled “Everything You Need to Know about Visiting Siwa.”

The Museum of Farafra

Not technically an archeological site, but upon visiting the Farafra Museum, you will find a lot of ancient information about life in Egypt and the oasis. The museum is located in the center of Farafra, so getting there becomes very convenient. Also, when you book your Farafra Oasis tour packages with us, getting there anyway is super easy, as we manage everything for you beforehand.

The museum stands as a cultural heritage for the locals, preserving the heritage of the oasis. This museum showcases a diverse collection of artifacts, from ancient pottery and tools to traditional clothing and musical instruments. The exhibits provide a comprehensive overview of the daily life, traditions, and customs of the people who have called Farafra home throughout the ages. As you wander through the halls, you will gain a deeper understanding of the oasis’s vibrant history and the resilience of its inhabitants. For history buffs, visiting this museum is going to be a therapy and an enlightening event of their trip.

Qasr al-Farafra Fortress in the Sands

A fortress that too is in an oasis? Many people assume this is just imaginary. However, when you visit Farafra, you will be surprised to see that there is a fortress sitting on top of a hill overlooking the oasis. Qasr al-Farafra is a medieval fortress that once played a crucial role in protecting the oasis from invaders. Dating back to the Islamic period, this architectural marvel features sturdy walls, watchtowers, and a labyrinthine layout designed for strategic defense. Exploring the corridors and chambers of Qasr al-Farafra provides a fascinating insight into the military strategies employed by ancient communities to safeguard their livelihoods in the harsh desert environment.

Also, read our blog titled “Discover the Art and Architecture of Farafra.”

The Valley of the Whales

When you are planning your trip to Egypt from Dubai, don’t forget to visit the Valley of the Whales. While this cannot be strictly called an archaeological site, the Valley of the Whales, or Wadi Al-Hitan, is an extraordinary location located near Farafra. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is renowned for its wealth of fossils, particularly the skeletons of ancient whales that once inhabited the region when it was covered by a prehistoric sea. The site offers a unique window into the evolution of marine life and provides a stark contrast to the desert landscapes surrounding Farafra.

Concluding Lines

Farafra’s archaeological and historical marvels extend beyond individual sites. When you explore ancient archaeological sites in Farafra, you will not only get glimpses of the architecture but also of the ancient way of life and how this tiny piece of land managed to sustain itself despite all odds.

Visiting the different sites is like witnessing a narrative that has spanned millennia. From the cultural richness of the Museum of Farafra to the strategic prowess of Qasr al-Farafra and the prehistoric wonders of the Valley of the Whales, each location contributes to the wonders of Farafra’s multifaceted history.

Why is Zanzibar a Paradise for Beach Lovers?

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Why is Zanzibar a Paradise for Beach Lovers?

Beaches offer so much more to us. They aren’t just romantic getaways; they give us a relaxing vacation. We have the opportunity to indulge in water sports and get adventurous, and the yummy seafood options that we get on any beach vacation are an added advantage.

Beach lovers from around the world are in search of new destinations and better beaches. There is one hidden gem in Africa that can be an absolute paradise for you. That gem is Zanzibar. This place offers more than your average beach. You can experience a fine blend of food, romantic escapes, adventure-packed fun, history, pop culture, spices, a shopping experience, and so much more. Let us discover why Zanzibar is a paradise for beach lovers in this blog by Yup Africano.

Related Read: Tanzania’s Eco-Tourism Offerings: Exploring Sustainable Travel Options

Meet Red Colobus Monkeys

If you are someone who loves exploring wildlife, then you must immediately book your holiday packages from Dubai to Tanzania. Zanzibar, located in Tanzania, is one of the few places where you can see Colobus monkeys. These monkeys are critically endangered, and tourists from around the globe visit Zanzibar in heavy numbers to catch a glimpse of them. Jozani Forest is a very scenic location where you can spot Red Colobus Monkeys in high numbers. The forest also has other animals and flower species that you can explore alongside these monkeys. The wonderful thing about this forest is that it is very close to some of the most pristine beaches in Zanzibar. Imagine having access to the beach while you are sitting peacefully in the shade of a tree. Now this looks even prettier than paradise. You can plan customized group trips in Dubai with Yup Africano for a seamless travel experience.

Related Read: Exploring the White Sands and Crystal Waters of Zanzibar

Enjoy the Full Moon Party at Kendwa Beach

Full moon parties are quite popular on many beach destinations. But the full moon party that you will see at Kendwa Beach in Tanzania will be like none other. Unlike other beach destinations that have full moon parties only at night, here, the party begins right when the sun starts setting down and continues till the next day’s sunrise. So you can enjoy almost 7-8 hours of uninterrupted partying, music, and fun. Another wonderful thing about a full moon party at Kendwa Beach in Zanzibar is that you can catch a sunset cruise and go into the ocean for your party. You can even sunbathe on a relaxing beach chair and sip on your favorite beaches. And if the party is not your thing, you can always enjoy scrumptious meals served everywhere on the island during full moon time. This cuisine is distinct from the rest of the day and quite delicious. Plan your Zanzibar holiday from Dubai right away to enjoy a vibrant full moon party, delicious food served by the beach, and a relaxing time exploring the pristine night-time beach of this paradise island.

You might also be interested in 7 thrilling outdoor adventurous activities to do in Tanzania.

Enjoy Kitesurfing at Paje Beach

If you are planning your honeymoon, then you will find Paje Beach to be perfect when you select our Tanzania safari package from Dubai. Paje Beach in Zanzibar is ideal for couples who have an adventurous heart and are searching for a unique location with power-packed activities. At Paje Beach, both the ocean’s bottom and the coast are covered in fine white sand. To add the cherry on the cake, the beach is surrounded by unusual dhow fishing boats that are visible on the sea; this view only enhances the overall look. Paje Beach is very serene, which is one of the reasons why you and your spouse will love it so much. If you are a family looking for a vacation and will book a Tanzania holiday package from Dubai with us, then your kids and little children will also like the surroundings of this beach.

Due to its wide popularity, the beach witnesses a large number of tourists from around the globe during prime time. Visitors from all over the world come to Paje Beach to kitesurf. For those looking to have an active vacation, Paje kite surfing is the most popular pastime in Zanzibar. Paje offers experienced kite surfers just the right amount of wind to keep them occupied while visiting Zanzibar. Additionally, there are gift shops, cafes, and restaurants near the shore. It’s the perfect place for strolls along the beach and enjoying cocktails as the sun sets.

Also, read our blog titled “5 Interesting Things to Do in Zanzibar”.

Luxury Resorts and Beachfront Accommodations

Zanzibar offers one of the top ranges of beachfront accommodations, from boutique hotels to luxury resorts, where you can wake up to breathtaking ocean views and enjoy world-class service. Many of these properties offer overwater bungalows and private beach access. The best thing is that you can book a luxury stay in advance with Yup Africano and include them in your Zanzibar tour packages from Dubai. Don’t worry if you are on a budget; Zanzibar offers a lot of options within your budget as well.

Serene and Peaceful Atmosphere

One of the most captivating aspects of Zanzibar is the sense of serenity and tranquility that envelops the island. The slow-paced, laid-back lifestyle encourages relaxation, making it a perfect escape for those seeking a peaceful retreat. Calling Zanzibar is ideal in these peaceful surroundings. Whether you plan on a breakfast date by the beach or a candlelight dinner under the stars during your stay in Zanzibar, the peaceful environment will make it worth it.

Concluding Lines

From pristine beaches and luxurious and budget-friendly waterfront stays to exploring wildlife and enjoying scrumptious local cuisine Zanzibar is truly a paradise for all beach lovers as well as people who prefer mountains. Get in touch with Yup Africano to book your Zanzibar customized tour.

Get a Thrilling Desert Experience with Jeep Safari in Bahariya Oasis

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Get a Thrilling Desert Experience with Jeep Safari in Bahariya Oasis

When people hear Jeep Safari Dubai, it is the only place that comes to mind. However, with Yup Africano, you can experience a thrilling and adventure-packed Jeep safari in Bahariya Oasis. Bahariya Oasis offers a much different yet equally exquisite and scenic safari in the endless expanses of the desert. While Bahariya offers many more attractions and activities that you can check out in one of our recent blogs showcasing hidden treasures of Bahariya, a jeep safari is something you should experience in this Egyptian mystic oasis.

From travel packages to the food you can try and all other information related to your Jeep safari expedition in Bahariya, Yup Africano has covered all the information in this blog. So make sure you read till the end, and if you have any queries, feel free to get in touch with Team Yup Africano.

Let us first give you a short glimpse of Bahariya Oasis

The history of Bahariya Oasis dates back to the days of ancient Egypt when it was known as the ‘Northern Oasis, and these are just recorded findings; the place is estimated to be much older than this. Taking a trip to this mystic oasis in Egypt is much like taking a trip back in history. So if you and your friends have been planning a trip to a perfect destination, then book a customized group trip to Egypt with us and have double the fun. In ancient times, Egyptians primarily used the oasis for trade, agriculture, and as a source of water. The Bahariya Oasis was an essential stop on the caravan routes that connected the Nile Valley with the Sahara.

The younger members of your team shouldn’t worry at all if you are planning a trip to Bahariya because it isn’t just a rustic old place today; Bahariya Oasis is a place that offers tranquility and beauty in the harsh desert landscape. Its palm groves, hot springs, and archaeological sites attract travelers who want to experience a unique desert environment.

Also, another fascinating fact about Bahariya is that it is called “Green Pearl” in the Sahara desert. Learn why Bahariya is called “Green Pearl” in our blog section.

Now Let’s Prepare for the Bahariya Oasis Jeep Safari Adventure

Choose the Right Tour Operator

The first step of a successful jeep safari is choosing the right tour operator and when you book your trip to Egypt from Dubai with Yup Africano this will be the least of your worries. We have tie-ups with many reputable operators who will ensure your safety. The safari operator will ensure that you are accompanied by experienced local guides who will protect you and give you first-hand information about the wonderful mystical place.

If this will be your first trip to Egypt then these 9 tips for your first Egypt trip will be helpful.

Packing Essentials

When we plan our trips, we always pack a lot of stuff and the usual essentials like sunscreen, medicines, and other things. However, when you plan and check Bahariya Oasis tour packages, make sure you take into account the desert climate, which can be extreme. So don’t forget to pack desert essentials like a high-SPF sunscreen, a moisturizer that is suitable for your skin, long-sleeved cotton and breathable clothes, and sturdy footwear. Do remember to carry the most essential thing—your camera and its gear—to capture the breathtaking landscapes and unique wildlife you will encounter during your safari.

Adventures of Jeep Safari

Get Into The Jeep

Your Jeep safari begins the moment you get into the Jeep. When you book your Bahariya Oasis tour packages with us, we ensure the latest and most advanced jeeps are used for you. That means you could be boarding one of the premium SUVs, like a Mercedes or the original Jeep. As you hop into the sturdy Jeep, you will instantly feel the excitement of the upcoming adventure. The desert’s terrain is rugged and unforgiving, making a 4×4 vehicle the perfect choice for navigating the sandy dunes and rocky trails.

Enjoy The Dunes of the Great Sand Sea

Unlike Dubai, the Bahariya desert is very secluded and remote; here, only you, your guide, and your crew will be the people enjoying the vastness all alone. This is a unique experience in itself. If you book an overnight safari, your package will include meals. Your driver and guide will come equipped with all the utensils essential for cooking and will cook a delicious meal for you. Often, there will be goat or chicken cooked the traditional way, and for those who love exotic dishes, you can perhaps request camel and other meats as well. If you are vegan, then your guide will make arrangements in advance for it too.

You can enjoy the Great Sand Sea, which offers a mesmerizing expanse of dunes that stretches for miles in all directions. Your Jeep will take you on a thrilling ride up and down these golden waves, an experience that will get your heart racing. The seemingly endless sea of sand is a sight to behold, with its ever-shifting patterns and the complete silence that envelops you.

If you are planning to visit nearby oases in Egypt, then this blog will give you insights into everything you need to know about visiting Siwa.

Explore Other Hidden Gems

When you visit Bahariya for a desert safari, you won’t just get all adventurous; your experienced guide will take you to all the hidden gems within the oasis. You will discover crystal-clear springs where you can cool off and rejuvenate amidst the scorching desert heat. You will be visiting patches of greenery and palm trees in the scorching desert, a truly picturesque moment.

The Jebel, a beautiful mountainous area, offers stunning panoramic views and is home to numerous historical sites. The Black Desert and White Desert are other unique spots, each with its peculiar characteristics in Bahariya. Depending on your package and the time you have, you can explore all these additional spots. The best thing we suggest is including all these activities before your Egypt tour packages so it will be cost-effective for you and your entire itinerary can be planned well in advance, helping you save time and explore more.

You can directly get in touch with Yup Africano to have a truly thrilling and memorable Bahariya desert safari experience.

Discover the Art and Architecture of Farafra Oasis

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Discover the Art and Architecture of Farafra Oasis

Farafra Oasis is a hidden gem known for its captivating art and unique architecture. It is located in the heart of the Western Desert of Egypt. This amazing place is on the bucket list of many adventure seekers and avid travelers thanks to its unique art offerings and traditional architecture that is like no other place.

The remote oasis of Farafra, which is one of the many oases in Egypt, is popular because of its rich cultural heritage. This gift and beauty of Farafra have been shaped by its isolation from the rest of the world for a longer period and the creative spirit of the native residents. In this blog, Yup Africano will take you on a literary tour where you will explore the art and architecture of Farafra Oasis and uncover the history, traditions, and contemporary expressions of this fascinating oasis. So behold and read till the end without missing any part.

Also, read our blog titled “Explore the mind-blowing ancient ruins of Siwa”. The blog has details about Siwa, which is another oasis located in Egypt that is famous for its greenery and traditional offerings. With Yup Africano, you can arrange a combined trip to Siwa and other oases and also get attractive prices for your Farafra to Bahariya oases tour packages.

Historical Roots of Farafra

If you are fascinated by history then visiting Farafra from Dubai will be a real treat for you. The history of Farafra dates back to ancient times. In ancient times, Farafra served as a crossroads for caravans traveling through the Western Desert. The reason the oasis became so popular back in the day was its location, which proved convenient for travelers and provided them with food and water.

The oasis’s strategic location led to the development of a distinct architectural style that combines traditional Egyptian elements with influences from the Sahara and North Africa. You can still find many ancient mud-brick forts and watchtowers throughout the landscape. These traditional structures show the historical importance of Farafra as a trade and transportation hub. When you arrange your trip to Egypt from Dubai, do add a visit to Farafra if you like spending time visiting old buildings and clicking pictures with them.

If you are planning a vacation with your family, then team Yup Africano has created a detailed blog titled “Make Your Family Trip Memorable with These Tips”. The blog will help you plan a seamless trip with your loved ones.

Mud Brick Architecture

If you are a fashion enthusiast, we are sure you have seen fashion videos shot on desert land, and in the background, you have seen cute tiny homes built with mud bricks and roofs of hay or dry grass. Well, your childhood dream of visiting such a structure will come true when you visit Farafra. You can arrange customized group trips to Egypt with Yup Africano and explore traditional houses, huts, and other places in this beautiful oasis.

Mud brick, or adobe, is the most commonly used building material in Farafra Oasis. From houses to commercial shops, everything in this oasis is built using mud bricks only. Using mud bricks is not only practical due to the easy availability of raw materials in Farafra, but in modern days it also contributes to the unique aesthetic of the region. The architecture here symbolizes the strength and skill of the local builders and artisans. You will easily find plenty of low, whitewashed buildings with narrow windows and domed roofs in Farafra Oasis. The rounded forms of the structures help to deflect the sun’s harsh rays and insulate the interiors; this provides relief and protection from the extreme desert climate. With Yup Africano, you can even include a stay in a traditional structure in your Farafra Oasis tour packages.

Also, if this is your first trip to Egypt, then our 9 tips for first-time visitors to Egypt will be helpful to you.

Local Murals

When it comes to art, every place has its own unique and traditional offerings. But the type of murals and artwork you will find in Farafra will be unbeatable. Being one of the central locations and popular places for travelers to rest, the natives of Farafra have created a beautiful blend of their traditional murals and inspiration for travelers and created very amazing and thought-provoking murals and artworks. Throughout the oasis, you will discover colorful murals adorning the walls of buildings. These murals often depict scenes of daily life, the desert landscape, and the oasis’s history, offering a visual journey through the culture and heritage of the area. If you are an artist or someone into media or marketing, this place will prove to be a very interesting inspiration for you. That is why you must certainly include a visit to Farafra in your Egypt tour packages.

These 5 tips and tricks will help you prepare for your trip efficiently.

Artisan Workshops

If you love art very much and want to learn what the locals practice, Yup Africano can arrange a private art workshop for you. If you are traveling in a group, then we can even arrange a group workshop where you and all your friends can indulge in a bit of art therapy on your trip to Farafra. You can learn about the traditional techniques of pottery, weaving, and painting, and even create your pieces of art as souvenirs and take them back with you. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time in Farafra, then you can add a visit to Farafra for one day or a half day to your Bahariya Oasis tour packages.

Concluding Lines

Farafra Oasis offers an amazing blend of traditional architecture and contemporary art and offers a unique cultural experience in the heart of the Egyptian desert to visitors and tourists. Its history, art, and architecture, combined with its thriving creative community, make it a destination rich in inspiration and cultural significance. You can arrange budget, luxury, solo, or group trips to this amazing oasis with Yup Africano on the budget that suits you and on a timeline with which you are comfortable.

Explore Zanzibar’s Stone Town: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

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Explore Zanzibar’s Stone Town: A UNESCO World Heritage Site

There will be hardly anyone unaware of Zanzibar Island. It is an exotic island in the Indian Ocean and is home to one of the world’s most captivating sites and locations, and among those is one of the most historically rich cities: Stone Town.

UNESCO declared Stone Town a World Heritage Site, and it is very popular among tourists as well as locals for exploring. You can call Stone Town a place where cultures, traditions, and histories mix and create a beautiful blend. In this blog, Yup Africano will take you on a journey through the narrow alleyways, bustling markets, and historical landmarks of Stone Town, helping you discover the beauty, culture, and history of this remarkable place. The insights in this blog will help you plan an amazing trip to this island. You can book Zanzibar tour packages from Dubai with Yup Africano and have great savings.

When you are planning a trip, ensure you make it memorable. Follow the tips shared in our blog to have a memorable trip.

History of Stone Town

Stone Town has a fascinating history that can be traced back centuries. One of the remarkable things that you will instantly notice about Stone Town is its architecture. The architecture is distinct and unlike any other, you would have seen to date. You will get to see the influences of various civilizations and cultures in the architecture. From Persian and Omani to Indian and European, the town has absorbed diverse cultures throughout its history. Walking through the town’s streets is like stepping into a living history book. If you are planning a mix of leisure and adventure journeys, then include a visit to Stone Town in your Tanzania holiday packages from Dubai.

Also, read our blogs to see 7 thrilling outdoor adventure activities to do in Tanzania.

Authenticity of Stone Town is what attracts Visitors

The town’s overall design has preserved much of its old architecture and scenery. The arrangement of the streets, the usage of the buildings, and the exchange of human values around the Indian Ocean coast are all still visible. The Swahili coastal region and the Zanzibar archipelago continue to make extensive use of the building supplies and techniques utilized in the town. The local craftspeople are capable of producing high-quality building materials, such as coral stone, lime, and laterite sand, as well as traditional building methods. Despite increased competition from contemporary materials, designs, and procedures, traditional materials and construction methods are still used to a great extent. This helps in retaining the authenticity of the entire Stone Town, making it unique and a must-visit place. So if you are traveling to Tanzania, don’t forget to include a visit to Stone Town in your Tanzania safari package from Dubai. Along with exploring the stone town, you can do many amazing things locally that will enrich your trip. Here is a list of 5 interesting local things to do in Zanzibar.

Layout of Stone Town

Having influences from Arab, Indian, and Persian cultures, the layout of Stone Town is unique. The entire town is built like a web of narrow, winding streets. The majority of the buildings are constructed from coral stone, and most of the buildings have ornate wooden doors that are famous for their intricate carvings. Many of these doors have a deep historical significance, often showcasing the family’s status and wealth. If you are into history and architecture, then a visit to Stone Town will be a highlight of your entire trip from Dubai to Tanzania.

Also, read our blog describing 5 amazing adventurous destinations in Africa. From Tanzania to Kenya, we have covered some of the best places in detail in the blog.

Visiting House of Wonders in Zanzibar

Planning Dubai customized tours is very easy with Yup Africano. All you have to do is list your requirements, and our experts will curate an amazing itinerary for you. You can visit the House of Wonders in Stone Town. This amazing building got its peculiar name because it was the first to have electricity and an elevator on the entire island. However, this isn’t all about the building. A former residence, now the House of Wonders, is converted into a museum that showcases the rich history of Zanzibar Island.

Zanzibar is also an amazing honeymoon destination; you can combine a trip to Tanzania and Zanzibar and spend it in a leisurely way. Or you can also arrange a customized group trip to Dubai to visit this magnificent place.

Visit The Old Fort

When you especially take a break and book a Zanzibar holiday from Dubai to explore history and architecture, you cannot miss visiting the Old Fort. The fort is known as NgomeKongwe in the local language, and it was built by the Portuguese in the 17th century. The Omani sultans further made changes to it and added an Arabic touch to it. The fort today stands as a cultural and arts center in Zanzibar, and many events and exhibitions are hosted in the place. If you happen to be around during the peak season, then there are high chances you can explore some amazing exhibitions at the old fort. You can inquire with Yup Africano and book your holiday accordingly if you want to visit and watch exhibitions at the Old Fort.

The Slave Market

Stone Town’s history isn’t without its dark moments. The town was once a hub of the East African slave trade. The site of the former slave market is now a memorial and museum. One might wonder what can be seen at a slave memorial. It’s a sad reminder of the inhuman practices of the past, which allows us to reflect on the importance of human rights.

Bahariya Oasis Camping Guide

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Bahariya Oasis Camping Guide

Planning a vacation? Who doesn’t like it? After all the hard work and hustle, it’s finally time to unwind, relax, and enjoy traveling to a new place. When you are traveling for adventure and going to places such as Bahariya, you need to do a few extra sessions of planning and management. However, when you plan your trip with Yup Africano, which is one of the best trip organizers in Dubai, you will have nothing much to worry about. You can sit back, relax, and plan all the shopping you have to do to prepare for your trip.

In this blog, we will share a detailed guide with you that will make planning for your trip to Egypt from Dubai a breeze. So read till the end to get all the information and details.

Also, read our blog titled Why Bahariya Oasis is Called Egypt’s Green Pearl in the Sahara Desert. The blog has all the details about this wonderful oasis located in Egypt.

Why Travel to Bahariya Oasis?

If you plan a trip to Egypt with Yup Africano, you can customize your entire journey and have a pleasant travel experience without hustling here and there in jam-packed tour buses. We suggest our clients book the entire Oasis package; that way, you can easily travel from one oasis to another and get the most out of the entire Egypt tour. Even when you don’t want to visit all the oases, we highly recommend that you at least visit the top three, i.e., Siwa, Farafra, and Bahariya. Yup Africano has some amazing and affordable Farafra to Bahariya Oasis tour packages that you can book and customize as per your requirements. With a customized trip, you can get the most out of your trip and explore all the hidden gems of Bahariya and Farafra.

Getting to the Bahariya Oasis

Getting to Bahariya Oasis is fairly easy thanks to great roads and a network of highways. You can either travel by private car or rent a car and travel by road to this place. Alternatively, you can even hire a guide and drive to Bahariya Oasis from Cairo. The journey from Cairo to Bahariya by road is quite fascinating, and when you are accompanied by a local guide, you can explore many sites during your drive that will make your trip even more memorable. With Yup Africano, you can plan your journeys and local travel as well. We can help you design an affordable Bahariya oasis tour package in Dubai.

The Best Time to Visit Bahariya Oasis

Before visiting any place, we confirm the best time for it. In the case of the Bahariya Oasis team, Yup Africano recommends that you plan your trip to the place during the colder months. Even though Bahariya Oasis is known as the green pearl of Egypt and has a lot of vegetation and greenery, it is located in the desert, where the colder months are the best for traveling. Typically, the colder months start in October and end around April. Avoid traveling in the hotter months after April, as the heat is extremely high and unbearable.

Having the Right Camping Equipment

Whenever you plan a camping trip, make sure you include camping equipment in your Bahariya Oasis tour packages. Because the right equipment matters a lot to have a great experience in Bahariya, you can even cook on your camping trip, and carrying a stove will let you have that amazing experience of cooking in the desert. On your camping trip, you can even gaze at the stars and enjoy a wonderful time. With Yup Africano, you can even book a star gazing experience in Dubai.

Yup Africano will arrange all the camping equipment for you for your Bahariya Oasis tour. Below, we are mentioning a few must-have pieces of equipment.


A sturdy tent is a must-have piece for your camping tour to Bahariya. You can even rent tents of different sizes in Bahariya, carry your own, or let Yup Africano arrange it for you.

Sleeping Bag

A sleeping bag allows you to have a warm and comfortable sleep in the cold desert nights. Make sure you carry a sleeping bag if you are planning on staying outdoors in the tent. Alternatively, you can book a warm stay in a cozy and comfortable room and include it in your customized group trips to Egypt.

Cooking Supplies

As we mentioned above, if you plan to cook, bring a portable stove, pots, and utensils along with you. However, in most cases, people prefer to visit Bahariya and hire a guide for their camping trip. In most cases, the guide will provide all the cooking and utensils for you.


With Yup Africano, worrying about water will be the last thing on your mind. We ensure you will have a generous amount of water throughout your trip from Dubai to Egypt. However, if you are planning to do a DIY trip, we recommend that you carry enough drinking water to last your trip.


At a glance, people may assume that Bahariya has a pleasant atmosphere and may casually dress. However, the temperatures in this place can vary greatly, and the time changes. That is why we suggest that you dress in layers, which allows you to adjust to the varying temperatures between day and night.

Sunglasses and Sunscreen

Carry a couple of your favorite sunglasses and a lot of sunscreen before you pack your bags for Bahariya. Sunglasses will not only protect you from the scorching sun but will also protect your eyes from the desert sand.

First Aid Kit

When you plan a trip with Yup Africano, we ensure that you get maximum safety at all times. However, while traveling, anything can suddenly happen, and it is better to be prepared for the circumstances rather than face them without any supplies. We recommend you carry a basic first-aid kit with you at all times. Especially when you are planning on camping on your upcoming trip to Egypt.

Concluding Lines

Bahariya Oasis is a very special destination in Egypt that will give you an enchanting experience. Whether you travel solo with your loved ones in a group or as a couple, you get value for money traveling to this amazing destination. Just make sure you buy Egypt tour packages from reputed travel companies and have peace of mind for the entire trip.

Why Bahariya Oasis is called Egypt’s Green Pearl in the Sahara Desert?

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Why Bahariya Oasis is called Egypt’s Green Pearl in the Sahara Desert?

When planning a place to travel, we often give more preference to lush green places that have diverse vegetation and serene landscapes. A desert such as the Sahara is often a place that is only preferred by adventurous, brave people who are running out of places to visit new destinations.

What if we told you that you could get a glimpse of lush green landscapes in the middle of the Sahara Desert? You will be surprised and want to visit this place first. Bahariya Oasis is one such fascinating place situated in Egypt. Bahariya Oasis falls in the vast stretches of the Saharan Desert; however, contrasting the surrounding arid dry belt, the oasis gives relief with its sweet water springs and vast patches of lush green vegetation. Its unique scenery and landscapes give Bahariya its name as Egypt’s Green Pearl. In this blog, Yup Africano will take you through a detailed guide to why it is called so. Be ready to pack your bags and begin a journey to a wonderland by the end of this blog.

Also read our blog titled, “Why Yup Africano is the Best Way to Book Your Next Vacation”. The blog will give you all the compelling reasons to book your vacation with us.

Geological Marvel

Bahariya Oasis is located approximately 370 kilometers southwest of Cairo in Egypt’s Western Desert. It occupies a region of around 2,000 square kilometers and is one of Egypt’s seven main oases. This oasis’s geological formation gives it the unique quality and name of being Egypt’s Green Pearl. The oasis is covered by high limestone plateaus on all its borders. This unique formation efficiently traps rainfall and produces a microclimate that is favorable for the growth of plant and animal life. Also, Bahariya Oasis is situated in a depression or basin, which is another reason why vegetation and plant life grow so well here. The fertile soil and vegetation make the oasis a true treasure in the Sahara desert. Apart from tourists, many researchers and geologists routinely visit the place to discover its hidden treasures and learn more about nature. Farafra is a neighboring oasis to Bahariya. You can plan Farafra to Bahariya Oasis tour packages with Yup Africano on a budget that suits you.

Discover another hidden oasis in Egypt: Siwa. We have published an entire article on it in our blog section.

History of Human Settlement

To be qualified to be called a Green Pearl, a place must sustain life and civilization. Bahariya truly qualifies as Egypt’s Green Pearl because it has been home to numerous civilizations for thousands of years. The oasis has a long history that can be traced back thousands of years. It is one of Egypt’s oldest continuously inhabited places. The oasis is thought to have been home to people since the Neolithic age. The oasis has hosted numerous civilizations over the years, including the ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Arabs. Due to its abundant water supply, it functioned as an important commercial and agricultural hub, producing products such as dates, olives, wheat, and many more local staples. To take a glimpse into the history that dates back thousands of years, you must plan a trip to Egypt from Dubai with Yup Africano. While visiting this oasis, you can also explore other ancient wonders in Egypt.

Natural Springs and Wells

Water is life. Go anywhere around the globe, from east to west and north to south, and you will find abundance and prosperity where there is plenty of water. In the case of Bahariya, this is very true, as the oasis’ natural water resources are one of the main elements that contribute to its lush vegetation and green landscapes.

The oasis has a network of natural springs and wells that ensure a steady and reliable supply of fresh water throughout the year. The hot spring at Bir al-Gebel, known for its healing powers, is the most well-known of these springs. The oasis is a special ecological hotspot because these water sources support different flora and wildlife in addition to sustaining agriculture. You must plan to visit natural springs and include them in your customized Bahariya Oasis tour packages from Dubai with Yup Africano.

Diverse Flora and Fauna

The Bahariya Oasis is a biodiverse sanctuary in the middle of the desert, visited by tourists as well as researchers and scholars from different fields of study. Here you will find palm trees, fruit orchards, and agricultural fields in vast stretches.

The area is densely abundant in vegetation, all of which grows well in the rich soil that the area’s natural springs have nourished. Common fruit orchards here are date palms, acacia trees, and olive groves, which stand in striking contrast to the desert surroundings. Additionally, the oasis is a popular spot for birdwatchers and nature lovers because it is home to a variety of wildlife species, including birds, reptiles, and small mammals. If you are a bird lover or a wildlife enthusiast, planning a customized group trip to Egypt with Yup Africano to Bahariya will give you a unique experience.

Cultural Treasure Trove

If you think that the place frequented by tourists, Bahariya Oasis, will be all glitzy and modern, then you must think again. The locals have managed to retain and preserve its cultural and archaeological history in addition to its natural beauty. Ancient temples, tombs, and artifacts from the Roman era are among the historical sites and ruins that can be visited in the oasis. The ruins of the Roman city of Oxyrhynchus, the Valley of the Golden Mummies, and the Temple of Alexander the Great are just a few examples of the extensive historical heritage that this oasis preserves. These locations add to the oasis’ attractiveness by providing a window into the lives of earlier civilizations. You must start planning your trip to this wonderful oasis. For rates and customization of your Bahariya Oasis tour packages, you can get in touch with Team Yup Africano.

Explore the Hidden Treasures of Egypt: Farafra Oasis and Bahariya Oasis

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Explore the Hidden Treasures of Egypt: Farafra Oasis and Bahariya Oasis

Egypt is famous for its gigantic pyramids and the world’s longest river, the Nile. But did you know that Egypt has much more than these to offer? Among all the breathtaking places, Bahariya and Farafra Oasis are two worth visiting.

The breathtaking landscape and exposure to local culture will make your trip to Egypt worth visiting. In these serene oases, you will be able to explore a side of Egypt beyond the bustling cities and the tourist crowds near the Pyramids. In this blog, Yup Africano will take you through a detailed guide to visiting places and hidden gems in both of these oases. By the end of the blog, we are sure you will be tempted to include a visit to these oases in your next visit to Egypt from Dubai. So read until the end without missing any parts.

Also read our detailed blog on “Siwa: The Dreamy Oasis in the Middle of Dessert”. The blog has details of another oasis in Egypt named Siwa. It is yet another hidden gem worth visiting, along with Bahariya and Farafra. With Yup Africano, you can include a visit to all three oases in your Egypt tour packages and customize your trip as per your liking and comfort.

Let us first go through Farafra Oasis

Farafra Oasis: The Land of White Dessert

The Farafra Oasis in Egypt’s Western Desert is called the “Land of the White Desert” by both locals and tourists. Its fascinating scenery and enchanting landscape give it this unique name. As the name suggests, the place is equally enchanting and a must-include in your trip to Egypt from Dubai. You’ll find a mesmerizing landscape in Farafra with large patches of white chalk rock formations that have been shaped by nature over millions of years. Exploring the Farafra Oasis will be an unforgettable experience for you and your family. It is a true wonder of the natural world. If you are visiting Egypt for the first time, read our blog titled, “9 Tips for Visiting Egypt for the First Time”. The blog has complete details to make your first visit to Egypt splendid and stress-free.

Places worth Visiting in Farafra

The White Dessert

As we read above, Farafra is known as the land of the white desert in Egypt, and the white desert is the crown jewel of this enchanting oasis. Imagine a place that resembles the moon, where white stone and chalk formations rise from the floor of the desert, creating a tableau of white peaks and valleys. The places become more magical during the peak hours of sunrise and sunset. With colorful sunrises and sunsets, the landscape changes its colors to beautiful warm, and golden hues. If you are someone who enjoys capturing frames, then Farafra is a dream place for you. If you are planning a trip to Egypt, then you must include a visit to the White Desert in your Farafra Oasis tour packages with Yup Africano.

Magic Spring

Farafra is primarily known for its desert and white moonlike landscape; however, this hidden gem has another hidden spot named Magic Spring. Magic Spring is a surprising spring in the middle of the desert with sweet water surrounded by arid desert land. The locals believe that the spring water has healing properties, and it is a famous spot among tourists and locals to relax and rejuvenate. You can cover these popular spots in Egypt and then proceed towards Bahariya. You can get complete details on Farafra to Bahariya Oasis tour packages with Team Yup Africano. You can either directly call us or drop us a contact request on our website.

Other noteworthy places to visit and experiences to have in Farafra are visits to Crystal Mountain, Adin Khadra, Dakhla Oasis Excursion, and stargazing. The details of these places will be updated in our upcoming blogs.

Let Us Now Explore the Gems of Bahariya Oasis

Bahariya Oasis: The Gateway to the Sahara

Located about 370 kilometers southwest of Cairo, Bahariya Oasis is frequently referred to as the “Gateway to the Sahara.” This lush oasis is in dramatic contrast to the desert terrain around it and has unique and special attractions that are waiting to be discovered. A visit to Bahariya will make your Egypt trip from Dubai complete and give you memories that will be cherished forever. You can plan easy, customized group trips to Egypt with your entire family with Yup Africano in simple and easy steps.

Places worth Visiting in Bahariya

Valley of the Golden Mummies

If you have grown up watching the History Channel, then we are sure you will love exploring this archeological marvel. In the most recent years, Bahariya Oasis has been a central attraction among tourists from all over the globe for some of the most important archaeological discoveries found in the region. An old graveyard from the Greco-Roman era was discovered in Bahariya, which is called the Valley of the Golden Mummies. You will get to see well-preserved mummies here that are decked with gold jewelry and masks, providing a window into Egypt’s illustrious past. A visit to the Valley of Golden Mummies is a must-have in your Bahariya Oasis tour packages from Dubai.

Black Dessert

When we imagine a dessert, we always imagine golden sand out of habit because this is what we see in most of the desserts around the world. However, when you visit Bahariya with Yup Africano, you will witness a mesmerizing black dessert in the middle of a golden dessert in Bahariya. The black rocks are remnants of an active volcano that erupted thousands of years ago and left these unique black rocks as its residue. The place is popular for pre-wedding and post-wedding photo shoots, along with full-day family picnics and many other activities.

Other noteworthy places to visit and activities to do in Bahariya are hot springs, sandboarding, camel riding, visiting Tombs of the Nobles, taking a sunset safari, bird watching, and indulging in a dessert camp experience.

Don’t forget to read our 5 tips for exploring Egyptian ruins.

Capture a Memorable Honeymoon in Zanzibar with These Lifesaving Photography Tips.

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Capture a Memorable Honeymoon in Zanzibar with These Lifesaving Photography Tips.

In this era of social media, all of us want to share pictures of our trips. Especially when it is a special trip, such as a honeymoon, we and our friends have high expectations for our pictures and videos. Not all of us are talented enough to capture amazing pictures and videos like social media influencers.

So even when we visit picturesque destinations such as Zanzibar, we are unable to capture memorable pictures and videos. With Yup Africano, you don’t have to worry about a thing, as we want travelers to have the best time traveling. From our social media posts to our blogs, we share helpful and useful tips that will enrich your travel experience. In this blog, Yup Africano, a leading travel company in Dubai, will share some amazing photography tips that will help you capture memorable pictures on your honeymoon trip to Zanzibar or even a casual trip anywhere. So read until the end without missing a single point.

Also, read our blog exploring Tanzania’s food and drink scene. The blog lists all the details, from delectable and must-try dishes to Instagram-worthy drinks you must try.

Clean Your Camera Lens

Whether you use a mobile phone to capture your honeymoon in Zanzibar or use a professional digital camera lens is the most important factor that will help you click amazing pictures. Even when you are very careful with handling your mobile phone or camera, you can end up smudging the lens and making spots appear on it. When you travel in groups by booking customized group trips from Dubai to Tanzania, the chances of smudging the lens are even higher as there will be a lot of people handling the equipment.

Take a soft microfiber cloth and, with very gentle hands, clean the lens. This will instantly make your pictures and videos sharper, and you will cherish the memories for a long time. If you are looking for more destinations to explore, read our blog titled Explore the mind-blowing ruins of Siwa.

Focus On Details

When you book Tanzania holiday packages from Dubai for your honeymoon, focus on having fun. When it comes to capturing pictures, you can focus on minor details such as the height and ratio of the landscape. Make sure when you are capturing a frame that your partner’s height and that of the landscape are in a proper ratio. You don’t want your partner to look like a giant by focusing on an angle that makes the hills in the background look shorter.

Similarly, ensure that you focus on sand, seashells, or other natural elements that are abundant in Zanzibar. To get a better focus, you can even use a macro lens or use macro mode on your mobile phone. Many modern digital cameras have a macro mode as well. The macro mode will instantly make your pictures high definition and super good like they are guaranteed on it.

Try Different Perspectives

When you capture pictures on your honeymoon trip, try using different perspectives. With perspectives, we mean camera angles. If you vertically shoot your pictures, try using other ratios such as 16:9 or 3:4. This newer angle will enhance your pictures. Also, remember that you booked holiday packages from Dubai to Tanzania for your honeymoon and not for a photography contest. So the lighter you feel, the better you will experiment, and the more chances you will have to capture good pictures. Along with exploring the beaches of Zanzibar on your honeymoon, you can also do these top 7 thrilling outdoor adventures in Tanzania. These adventurous activities will make your honeymoon even more exciting, and your pictures will be great as well.

Don’t Forget To Click Yourself

When you book a Zanzibar holiday from Dubai for your honeymoon, don’t be so engrossed in clicking landscapes and capturing your partner that you end up forgetting to click yourself. You must also capture pictures of yourself enjoying and cherishing every moment. With Yup Africano’s arrangements, we are sure you will love every moment spent on your honeymoon in Zanzibar. You can either use a selfie stick or a tripod to click your self-portraits or let your partner have the thrill of capturing and clicking.

In addition to a tripod and a selfie stick, you can also invest in a remote shutter that allows you to click your pictures. If you feel too adventurous, a drone is a great option as well. A drone will give you magnificent shots of the scenery Zanzibar has to offer.

Edit Your Pictures Well

There is a reason professional photographers are paid handsomely. And the reason is their editing skills. Good editing can make bad pictures award-worthy. So don’t worry if you mess up by clicking a few bad pictures, but if they are close to your heart, you can always enhance them with editing. Nowadays, there are many AI-powered applications for both desktops and mobile phones that will edit your photographs to their best version. You can even follow a few YouTube tutorials and edit your pictures yourself. Alternatively, you can hire a professional photographer to edit your pictures to make them their best. So when you book your honeymoon Zanzibar tour packages from Dubai, focus on having full-on fun and doing your best. If you mess up, editing can always be the answer.

Concluding Lines

With Yup Africano, you can book customized Dubai tours, group tours, and even private tours for any of your holidays. Our attractive rates and hospitality will make your holidays memorable. When it comes to clicking pictures on your honeymoon, you can have your best clicks by experimenting with different angles, keeping your lens spotless, using a tripod and automatic shutter for clicking, and last but not least, creating magic while editing.

These tips from Yup Africano will surely help you click some of the best pictures. For more details on booking your travel packages, get in touch with our team.