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A Complete Guide for Exploring Stone Town in Zanzibar

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A Complete Guide for Exploring Stone Town in Zanzibar

With pristine beaches, lip-smacking food, and a lot of historical places to visit, Zanzibar is an ultimate travel destination. Ideal for both families as well as honeymoon couples, if ever you are planning a trip from Dubai to Tanzania, then you must include a few days in Zanzibar, or even if you plan an entire trip to Zanzibar alone.

From families with young kids and older parents to groups of friends and honeymoon couples, this amazing destination has something for everyone, and the best of all of this is Stone Town. Listed among the World Heritage Sites, if you are visiting Zanzibar, then you must reserve a couple of days or at least an entire day to explore this amazing location. In this blog, Yup Africano will share a complete guide for exploring Stone Town in Zanzibar. So read this blog post till the end and do share it with your friends and family who are visiting Zanzibar anytime soon.

Related Read: Unveiling 9 Breathtaking Islands That Deserve a Visit in Tanzania

Some General Tips for Safety and a Happy Travel Experience

As with any popular destination, you must follow some essential tips when visiting Stone Town in Zanzibar, as doing so will not only make your travel safer but also enhance your experience. Follow the below shared general travel and safety tips:

    • Bargain and Haggle with Vendors

When buying anything from the Stone Town market, always bargain and haggle. Never take the first offer that is made to you. Similar to every popular tourist destination, prices for local things and souvenirs are multiple for tourists.

    • Always Carry Cash

Tanzania is still an undeveloped nation, and outside of private resorts, you will find it difficult to use your visa or master card. So always carry cash when exploring Stone Town and other local markets. Carrying cash in local currency is much preferred, as is the case in most African cities; however, you can also carry US dollars and euros, as they are very commonly accepted. You can book customized Dubai tours with Yup Africano and seek guidance about cash and cards from the experts.

    • English Language Works in Zanzibar

The majority of tour guides and operators speak a greater variety of languages, but English and Swahili are the two most commonly spoken languages. So you and your family or friends can visit Zanzibar and explore Stone Town without hesitance or language barriers.

    • Dress Modestly

Women should cover their legs and shoulders, and men should dress modestly as well. Since the majority of people in this country are Muslims, it is important to respect cultural customs and conventions to avoid drawing undue attention to oneself. Therefore, exercise caution when selecting your attire and choose to dress modestly. When you book your customized group trips in Dubai for Zanzibar with Yup Africano, our experts will give you further advice on how to dress and what to avoid.

Where to Stay in Zanzibar?

When booking holiday packages from Dubai to Tanzania, you can ask Team Yup Africano for accommodation options, and our experts will show you all the places that fit various budgets.

Near Stone Town, you will find numerous small and cozy hotels that have been converted from traditional Swahili-style cottages. These are the best accommodation options when visiting Stone Town. Apart from this, there are luxurious hotels and accommodations from groups like The Taj, Hyatt, and others.

Also, read about the best places to stay in Zanzibar.

What to Do in Stone Town?

There is so much to do in Stone Town that one or two days won’t be enough. Yup Africano shares a brief list of things you can do in one or two days at maximum when visiting Zanzibar from Dubai for the first time.

  • Explore the Alleyways

The narrow streets and alleys of Stone Town are full of history and stories, and if you are going there without a checklist or an itinerary, then getting lost in the alleyways is the best thing you can probably do on your vacation to Zanzibar from Dubai. While exploring the area and absorbing the local way of life, you can marvel at the architecture of stunning yet dilapidated buildings.

  • Book a Guided Walking Tour

A guided walking tour of Stone Town is a terrific way to see sights you might otherwise miss. One of the best things is that you can book this guided walking tour in advance while booking your Tanzania safari package from Dubai at attractive prices. With this walking tour, you will learn about its history, traditions, and culture. At Yup Africano, we suggest you opt for a formal guide tour from your hotel instead of accepting offers from strangers on the street.

  • Go Shopping

Who doesn’t enjoy retail therapy? Even men in this day and age of social media flaunt their shopping and make videos of shopping hauls. When visiting Stone Town in Zanzibar, how can anyone say no to shopping? While shopping excursions aren’t a part of your Zanzibar tour packages from Dubai, you can certainly make arrangements for a guide for your shopping trip with Yup Africano.

Among my favorite local shopping spots are the incredibly affordable vegetables and woven handicrafts at Daranjani Market. The women’s cooperative Moto + Dada Shop and the exquisite and elaborate wooden chests at Abeid Curio Shop are other local must-buys. Even if you don’t want to buy, we suggest you at least visit these places and explore them.

  • Visit Notable Destination in Stone Town

When you plan a Zanzibar holiday from Dubai, don’t forget to visit other notable destinations in Zanzibar and Stone Town. You can explore the very somber history of the ancient slave market by going to the Old Fort. Other places to visit are the Old Dispensary, the Palace Museum, and St. Joseph’s Cathedral.

To make your trip better, go through our Complete Guide for Planning a Vacation to Tanzania from Dubai.

  • Watch Locals Perform Acrobatics

At dusk, watch the young locals perform acrobatics in the water. Many people, both locals and tourists, crowd the beaches to watch as the local boys and girls launch themselves off the cliff, competing with one another with the most impressive flips, dives, and twists. The happiness and laughter combined with the stunning African sunset is a very unique scene.

The Serengeti Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania

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The Serengeti Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania

We all know about humans migrating from one place to another. But are you aware of the great migration that takes place every year in East Africa? Every year, as the seasons change in eastern Africa, millions of wild animals, including the famous Big Five, migrate from Tanzania to Kenya and vice versa. To date, no scientist has concluded the reason for this. However, watching this great migration of wild animals is an absolute delight. Come along and stay in this blog till the end as Yup Africano takes you through wildebeest migration in Tanzania.

Related Read: Essential Pre-Travel Tips for Kenya Explorers with Yup Africano.

What is The Serengeti Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania?

This wild migration is a continuous, cyclical activity that mostly takes place in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and, to a lesser extent, in Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve. A continual hunt for freshwater and green pastures is carried out by 1.5 million wildebeest, hundreds of thousands of zebra, gazelles, eland, and impala as they travel hundreds of kilometers in a clockwise manner from Tanzania towards Kenya. Every year, this movement has a very consistent pattern. This consistent pattern makes it very easy for tourists and visitors to enjoy the wildlife in a very different way. That is why at Yup Africano, we suggest you book your Tanzania tour packages from Dubai if you are passionate about wildlife and raw nature. Photographers and animal lovers should not miss the migration, which is regarded as one of the most well-known natural events in the world.

The Best Time to Witness Wildebeest Migration in Tanzania?

While there are always opportunities to witness the massive herds, there isn’t a single optimal time of year to witness the migration; rather, there are better times of year to observe certain parts of the process. However, it can be challenging to pinpoint with any degree of accuracy when and where the herds will be, as well as what they could be doing because the precise timing of the migration depends on the amount of rain and other natural factors. The emergence of global climate change has increased the frequency of this discrepancy. A sudden, extremely high, or low amount of rain could drastically change how the herds move. So whenever you book your Tanzania safari package from Dubai, there are high chance you will be able to watch some part of the great migration at Serengeti.

Here are 9 safety tips for solo female travelers.

How Does the Migration Proceed?

The patterns of rainfall, which can differ from year to year, are the primary cause of the annual migration from the Serengeti into the Masai Mara. As a result, the herds’ annual migration will differ in terms of both date and location. There is a lot of zigzag along the road, especially when large groups split off from the main herd. The migrating animals usually stay on the western edge of the Serengeti Plain when they go north to south and on the east side when they move south to north. The entire migration has no start or end, as it is cyclical. The southern Serengeti is home to the majority of wildebeest from December to March when they give birth to calves over three weeks in February. The herds head north onto more appealing fresh grasses and copious amounts of water made possible by the rainfall as soon as the newborns are robust enough to walk great distances and the extended rainy season commences. Thus, tourists can book customized group trips in Dubai for Serengeti according to their preferences and convenience. If you are booking Tanzania holiday packages from Dubai, then take a look at the general pattern of migration.

The General Pattern of Migration is as follows;

  • November: Migration southward (into the eastern Serengeti’s Lobo and Loliondo regions).
  • December through March: Calving (southern Serengeti’s Ndutu region).
  • The green season (southwest and central Serengeti) runs from April to May.
  • Movement northward (the Serengeti’s Western Corridor) from June to July.
  • Northern Serengeti River Crossings, August to September.
  • October: Grazing and restricted migration (Kenya’s Masai Mara and the northern Serengeti).

Also, read our blog titled “Discover Hidden Gems in Dubai with Yup Africano for an Unforgettable Vacation.”

Details of the General Migration Pattern

The migration moves southward, along the eastern edge of the Serengeti, as the brief November rains begin in northern Tanzania. By this time, the wildebeest are traveling to the northern Ngorongoro Conservation Area and the southern grass plains surrounding Lake Ndutu, where they anticipate finding a lot of fresh, green, and extremely nutritious grass to eat and to feed their young after they are born. Booking holiday packages from Dubai to Tanzania around this period can be a great idea. Especially given that there will be a lot of wildlife spotting opportunities.

This region is inhabited by zebras and wildebeests from December to March. The season for wildebeest calving starts at this time. For almost three weeks in the middle of February, about 8,000 wildebeests give birth every day. During this season, one might witness the striking and frequently unsettling sight of predators positioned to prey on feeble and bewildered calves. You may book your Tanzania holiday packages from Dubai to witness these marvelous natural occurrences.

You may even book your Tanzania holiday from Dubai in April. When rain begins to fall on the Serengeti, the herds will move north in search of new pasture and water. The single, massive herd will divide into multiple groups when grazing opportunities increase; some of these groups will head directly north, while others will move farther west. In May, they trek through the central Serengeti, passing through the Moru Kopjes area and west of the Seronera area. In June or July, the westward-moving groups arrive along the south bank of the Grumeti River. Grumeti crossings slow down the animals congregated in the Western Corridor. The river is made up of difficult-to-cross pools and channels, and to make matters more difficult, crocodiles lurk in wait for their yearly mating season.

August sees the herds continuing their northward migration, either further eastward within Serengeti National Park proper or throughout the Grumeti Reserve and Ikorongo area. The Mara River will present them with the biggest challenge of their expedition at this point. The weakest members of the herd are taken by strong currents, the youngest members are attacked by predators, and animals trying to cross are captured by crocodiles. Visitors get the opportunity to witness the harsh truth of the Serengeti ecosystem’s food chain, which makes for a dramatic and unsettling spectacle of terror and bewilderment. During this period, visitors can book their Dubai-specific tours with Yup Africano and embark on an unforgettable journey.

As the dry season deepens into October, the herds stay in September in the Masai Mara and far northern Serengeti, where dependable grass is available. For the duration of the dry season, they will remain in the Masai Mara. When the November rains arrive, they head south once more in preparation for another calving season.

The cycle continues in similar patterns through the years.

Contact Yup Africano to book your Tanzania safari today!

Essential Pre-Travel Tips for Kenya Explorers with Yup Africano

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Essential Pre-Travel Tips for Kenya Explorers with Yup Africano

When you think about Kenya, magnificent images of safari jeeps and stunning beaches lapped by the Indian Ocean come to mind. Beyond Kenya’s stunning natural settings, however, Nairobi provides fascinating urban and cultural experiences as well. Visiting Kenya doesn’t just give you a holiday but rather a cultural trip. To help you make your Kenya trip happy and hassle-free, in this blog post, Yup Africano, which is one of the top destinations where you can book your Kenya safari package from Dubai, is listing essential pre-travel tips. We are covering everything from appropriate attire to be worn during the trip to manners that people follow and safety and visa requirements. So read this entire blog and share it with your friends.

Related Read: Why Kenya Should Be at the Top of Your Travel List in 2024

1.Getting Vaccination Certificates

Traveling to Kenya requires having the latest vaccination records since the country is not free from many diseases such as polio, tuberculosis, and others that the majority of Western countries are free from. You can get correct information about which vaccination certificates you need to get specifically to travel to Kenya from the Kenyan embassy, as these regulations differ between different African countries. Certain vaccinations need to be received within a specific window of time before your trip. For example, the vaccination against yellow fever needs to be given at least ten days before the trip date. Alternatively, you can visit the Yup Africano office, and while booking your Kenya holiday packages from Dubai, you can get detailed information about vaccination from our experts.

2.Manners to Follow in Kenya

Kenya is a stunning country with people who have hearts of gold. The majority of people are open-minded and are welcoming towards tourists. They are always happy to greet visitors with open arms and big smiles since they are extremely proud of their natural and cultural heritage. Meeting locals is one of the most rewarding aspects of traveling, so keep an open mind and heart, and don’t be afraid to say hello and engage in conversation with everybody you meet. You will not only gain a genuine understanding of Kenyan culture, but you will also come away inspired by their unwavering love and devotion to conserving and coexisting with the natural world. As regards manners, we suggest you follow the basic mannerisms that you follow in your home country and be respectful towards the local culture and traditions, and you will be good to go.

Here is a list of what you can explore in Kenya beyond Wildlife Safari! The top 7 activities you can enjoy on your next vacation.

3. Dressing for Kenya

As we discussed above, Kenyans are one of the most open-minded and welcoming people. For dressing, there are no such restrictions in the country. You can wear cocktail dresses when you stay at a resort and are partying there. For city tours, you can wear cargo, jeans, shorts, or even skirts. However, when people book African safari packages from Dubai, we recommend that they wear long-sleeved clothes and carry gel-based mosquito repellents during their jungle visits and safaris, as they will be dealing with a lot of wildlife and insects over there.

4. Weather in Kenya

Kenya is located across the equator; hence, its temperature is typically hot and dry. There are two distinct seasons in Kenya: dry and wet. The wet season is when it rains, and it is typically between April and June and October and December. On the other hand, it also occasionally rains during summer and winter times—these are occasionally accompanied by thunderstorms. So when you book a Kenya safari package from Dubai, make sure you carry water-resistant hiking boots and a lightweight rain jacket with you at all times. Another thing is that it might get rather chilly in Kenya in the mornings and evenings, so carrying a few woolen is a great option. You will probably be going on safari during these periods, so make sure you have enough warm gear.

5. Other Necessary Things You Must Carry to Kenya

In addition to clothing, prescription medications, and foods that meet your dietary needs, you should also bring binoculars, a good zoom lens camera (particularly if you plan to take wildlife photos), a power bank, a universal power adapter, a flashlight with extra batteries, a water bottle, insect repellent, sandals, sunscreen, and a sturdy backpack. Since plastic bags, including duty-free plastic bags, are prohibited in Kenya as of 2017, please make sure you don’t use or bring any into the nation while you are visiting. Instead, you can carry reusable bags made out of sustainable materials like cotton and jute. Carrying these extra essentials will make your trip happy and seamless. Remember to carry all of this when you book your holiday packages from Dubai to Kenya.

Also, read about 7 must-do things in Kenya.

6. Safety of Tap Water in Kenya

It is generally a good idea for travelers to stick to bottled water to avoid contact with any foreign bacteria that could make them sick. Many sources state that the tap water in Mombasa and Nairobi is drinkable; however, at Yup Africano, we don’t recommend this. Outside of these two cities, anyway, bottled mineral water is recommended over tap water. For additional information on traveling to Kenya and to book Kenya tour packages from Dubai, you can call Yup Africano to get attractive deals.

7. Tips for Eating Food in Kenya

When you explore food options outside of star-rated resorts or lodges in Kenya, exercise caution because the quality and preparation of the meat may not always be appropriate for a foreigner’s delicate stomach. Additionally, keep in mind that food hygiene in Kenya is far more basic than it is in other countries, so it is best to avoid anything that appears dirty, stale, or improperly prepared. Additionally, since salad dressings and drink ice may have come into contact with unclean water, it is a good idea to avoid using them on your trip.


By following the above tips, you can make your African safari Dubai experiences wonderful and memorable. For bookings and further information about traveling to Kenya, get in touch with Yup Africano.

9 Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

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9 Safety Tips for Solo Female Travelers

Is it safe for women to travel alone? This is a frequent question that many female travelers who plan to travel solo have. Some ladies are curious about which places are safe and which aren’t. You can get answers to all these questions with Yup Africano. Our team has professionals from diverse backgrounds who can not only suggest the safest places in Africa for female travelers but can also help you plan an itinerary that will allow you to have a safe trip as a solo female traveler.

Families and friends suggest travel experiences and stories all the time, which may deter women from traveling solo. Even though arranging for group tour packages from Dubai to destinations in Africa is easy at Yup Africano, we suggest females should give solo travel a chance at least once in their lives. Experiences of traveling alone can be fulfilling in ways that other travel experiences cannot. You can venture beyond your comfort zone and still have a secure journey. In this blog post, Yup Africano shares 9 safety tips for solo female travelers to help them have a safe solo trip. Read this blog till the end and share it with your friends.

1. Use Share Taxis Mindfully When Travelling Solo

Sharing a taxi is an obvious choice when you plan group travel from Dubai. However, in that case, you are sharing a taxi with your friends and family, which is a very safe choice to make. But when traveling alone, you must be very cautious when you hail a cab. Experts at Yup Africano suggest that you use ride-hailing applications available in most countries, or you can use ridesharing services like Uber.

Your position can be tracked, and the fare can be standardized by using Uber or a local app. In addition, you can frequently follow along on the app and view the driver’s ratings to confirm that you are going in the right direction. Above all, be sure the license plate on the vehicle you are entering matches the one on the app. Alternatively, you may use the airport’s approved taxis or let Yup Africano arrange for a taxi when you book your travel package from Dubai.

2. Drink and Date Cautiously When in a Foreign Country

Who doesn’t drink when holidaying? Especially when you plan a solo trip in a city like Dubai which has one of the best nightlife in the world, having a few beverages is okay. You can even arrange customized Dubai tours with Yup Africano to get a better grasp of Dubai’s nightlife. However, we suggest that you drink carefully and never drink and drive.

When drinking, it is a good idea to tell a friend or relative where you are going if you are going out on your own for the evening. You might even use your smartphone to communicate your whereabouts in real-time and send a live location to your family. Similarly, if you plan on dating during your holidays abroad, meet in a public area. This way, you can just leave if things aren’t going well for you.

Do read our blog titled “Go a Little Off Track: Visit Marsa Alam in Egypt.”

3. To Travel Safely Carry a Firm Look On Your Face

While certain places are safer than others, you should generally try to avoid becoming a simple target by having a confident look. Yup Africano recommends that you look like you know where you are going when you stroll down the street, especially late at night. Go inside a café or shop and use your phone to find directions if you are lost. Keep your purse closed with a zipper, and make sure it is never left alone. In case something goes wrong, make sure you have the local emergency numbers for the area you are visiting. One of the best things you can do when traveling solo is arrange for private tours in Dubai. Private tours give you the freedom and space to be yourself while traveling solo.

4. Leave Your Costly Gadgets Home

Whether you plan for group tours from Dubai or solo trips from Dubai to Africa, we suggest that you leave costly gadgets and jewelry at home. Surely, wearing your favorite jewelry can be enjoyable, but flashy watches or jewelry might attract unwelcome attention and may cause a serious problem, especially for solo female travelers. If you choose to wear jewelry, buy some costume jewelry to bring with you, or, better yet, buy some reasonably priced local jewelry to wear while visiting. This strategy will make you appear less of a target and help you blend in.

5. Hide Your Phone for a Safe Solo Trip

Cell phone theft is more common in some risky cities, particularly if there isn’t an Apple store there (iPhones are valuable on the local black market). Invest in a concealed passport holder belt that you can wear around your waist if you intend to travel to any of these locations all alone. These little bags are invisible, fit inside your skirt or pants, and also hold your phone inside of them. When you arrange private tours in Dubai itself, you lower your chances of mobile theft altogether.

Related Read: Top 7 Outdoor Activities to Do in Marsa Alam

6. Dress According to the Local Culture

Pack clothes that will help you fit in if you are visiting a conservative nation. To avoid drawing unwelcome attention, be aware of the customs and culture of the nation. When you book your solo trip from Dubai to Africa with Yup Africano, we can give you proper guidance on the local countries and traditions that you are planning to visit in Africa. We suggest that you carry a couple of clothing items that cover your shoulders and knees so you feel comfortable exploring, even if you are heading somewhere hot.

7. Buy a Local SIM Card

Buying a local SIM card for the country you are visiting is a wise financial decision if you are traveling abroad. You will then be able to feel connected thanks to local calling and mobile data. Having instant access to a local phone number gives you a safety net when trapped in difficult situations.

8. Pack Light When Travelling Solo

If you have fewer items to manage, you are less likely to lose anything—aside from the fact that you will have to carry everything by yourself. Additionally, if you want to be able to come and go quickly, you might choose to use a backpack rather than a suitcase. This keeps you self-sufficient and safe when traveling solo.

9. Be Prepared for the Worst

This advice has two parts. Yes, you should arrange your things, have the required paperwork, etc., to be ready for your vacation. However, you should also mentally be ready for any mishap. Have a plan in place for handling the most likely unfortunate scenarios, such as becoming lost or stolen. This way, when traveling solo, you will be at ease and have a safe trip.

Also, read our blog titled “Complete Guide for Planning a Vacation to Tanzania From Dubai.”


Above, we shared nine tips for solo female travelers. These tips will allow women to travel safely and securely, whether traveling alone or with a group. For more details, get in touch with Yup Africano.

Discover Hidden Gems in Dubai with Yup Africano for an Unforgettable Vacation

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Discover Hidden Gems in Dubai with Yup Africano for an Unforgettable Vacation

When we decide to plan a trip to Dubai, all that comes to mind is miles and miles of sandy desert, skyscrapers that touch the sky, and tourist attractions like The Frame, the Burj Khalifa, and many similar destinations. We either are not aware of amazing places in Dubai other than this or we simply frequently neglect to explore this spectacular desert city beyond its much-discussed tourist spots.

Since Dubai has so much variation and variety packed into its miles of sand and desert, palm-fringed beaches, and breathtaking man-made marvels, there are so many places that you can visit by arranging Dubai customized tours with Yup Africano. Rather than visit usual places this time, explore our list of hidden gems in Dubai that we know you will be thrilled to learn about.

If you are planning a corporate event, consider a luxury yacht rental in Dubai.

The Majlis Café, Jumeriah Mosque

To truly immerse yourself in the essence of a city, indulging in its culinary delights is paramount. Yup Africano offers exceptional group tour packages from Dubai, providing an ideal opportunity to craft an unforgettable travel itinerary in the vibrant city.

Among the myriad of gastronomic experiences awaiting you, Majlis Café stands out in the enchanting Jumeriah Mosque vicinity. This quaint café is renowned for its delectable array of local delicacies, cherished by both residents and visitors alike. Don’t miss the chance to savor specialties like camel milk coffees and desserts, a true reflection of Dubai’s culinary diversity. Nestled adjacent to the breathtaking Jumeirah Mosque, the Majlis Cafe beckons with its inviting ambiance and exquisite offerings. Indulge in their delightful camel milk pistachio ice cream or sample their range of camel milkshakes, coffees, cheeses, and creams—it’s an epicurean journey not to be missed!

Visit the Al Mazar Beach Park

Dunes in Dubai can be quite exhausting, and not everyone can enjoy them, especially older folks in the family. At Yup Africano, we suggest you visit the Al Mazar Beach Park. Al Mamzar Beach Park is a great little place to take kids or elders if you are traveling with them. Deira is home to this beautiful sand beach with air-conditioned cottages for rent. You can spend a few hours to an entire day in these cottages. Experts from Yup Africano can suggest amazing family activities that all family members will enjoy. Another option would be to jump into the pool of this beach park, which has pristine, crystal-clear water. And that’s not all—there are also restaurants, snack bars, skating arenas, barbecue-equipped picnic areas, and bike rentals that you all can visit together and have a great time. You can even book a private tour of Dubai with Yup Africano to visit this place.

Also, read about the Top 10 Incredible Adventures You Can Experience in Dubai!

Keep a Day Aside To Visit Al Serkal Avenue

If you are an art enthusiast, then you must visit Al Serkal Avenue. Here you will find Dubai’s hippest art and culture scene. A few decades ago, this place used to be an industrial warehouse and is now converted into a place that resembles Paris. Tourists often call this the Paris of the Middle East. In addition to exploring the cafes, you can visit art galleries and explore the local areas. Every corner of AL Serkal Avenue exudes art and culture like no other. You can even participate in workshops, exhibitions, and art classes when visiting Al Serkal Avenue. If you have had too many Dubai desert safaris, then this avenue is perfect for you.

The Coffee Museum

Yes, you read that right! Dubai is home to one of the first coffee museums in the entire world. The world runs on coffee; from east to west and north to south, coffee is enjoyed by mankind in various forms. From cold coffees and Frappuccinos to cat poop coffees and coffee biscuits, to understand more about coffee, you can visit the Coffee Museum in Al Fahidi Historical District.

Visiting the coffee museum will give you a good escape from the souks and malls, and rather than draining your wallet, this will add a wealth of knowledge to you. Not only the museum, but you will be amazed by the one-of-a-kind café, shop, and cultural experience you get here. If you are traveling in groups, then you can arrange group tours from Dubai with us. Along with the coffee bean-making process, coffee roasting recipes, books on coffee history, antiques, and barista supplies, you can even try a few of their specialty coffees here. A whole lot of coffee culture is in one location at this place!

You Cannot Miss XVA Art Hotel

The XVA Art Hotel is a hidden gem in the Al-Fahidi neighborhood. There are a lot of hotels in Dubai, some better than others, but this one stands out because each of its 14 rooms has been carefully and uniquely created. Even the magnificent XVA Cafe, which surprisingly solely offers Middle Eastern vegetarian food, is housed in this former estate. However, if you are an art enthusiast, the gallery and the design store can be the things that most interest you! Finally, you will understand the true meaning of tranquility when you visit the rooftop under the stars.

You may also be interested in reading our blog titled “Top 5 Reasons to Include Dubai Desert Safari in Your 2024 Bucket List.”


Arranging group travel from Dubai to visit all these above-described places is very easy with Yup Africano. All you have to do is give us a call, and our team will get in touch with you. Our experts will understand your preferences and help you plan an itinerary that is enjoyed by you and your entire group.

Along with this, there are many more hidden gems in Dubai that we will be covering in upcoming posts. So stay tuned and share this blog with your friends.

Elevate Your Wedding Experience with a Yacht Rental in Dubai

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Elevate Your Wedding Experience with a Yacht Rental in Dubai

Are you having trouble thinking of a location to celebrate your wedding day? Yup Africano, a renowned yacht rental company in Dubai, offers a fantastic way to turn your wedding into a day to remember. With our Wedding Yacht Charters, we can provide the most enchanting wedding party in Dubai to you. Not just charters, we assist couples in creating a memorable day full of great food, entertainment, live music, and so much more so they can remember their special day with joy and fondness down the years.

While many people decide to celebrate their special day in a hotel, restaurant, or lawn; you can elevate your wedding day by hosting your wedding party on an opulent yacht. A yacht wedding party in Dubai can infuse your ceremony with extra color and a royal touch. A luxurious yacht wedding ceremony provides an exquisite setting for you and your spouse to begin your married life while enjoying the mesmerizing views of the deep blue sea in Dubai. In this blog post, Yup Africano will take you through a detailed guide on how you can plan a yacht wedding and make it memorable.

Related Read: Plan a Wedding on a Yacht in Dubai.

Memorable Wedding on a Yacht

What could be more romantic than hosting your wedding celebration beneath the stars with your closest friends and family, sipping your favorite cocktail, and savoring gourmet food? At Yup Africano, we recognize that a wedding is a once-in-a-lifetime event that should be truly memorable. That is why when you choose yacht rental in Dubai for a wedding with us, we leave no stone unturned to offer you exquisite services and amenities.

In addition to a lavish yacht rental in the UAE, we provide a host of other facilities, like a fantastic location for your wedding, i.e., a luxurious yacht, cake services, live entertainment, music, catering options, videography, photography, and other wonderful services to help you include your favorite colors in your vows.

Here Are a Few Things That Will Elevate Your Wedding

Choosing the Right Yacht

When you choose yacht rental for weddings with Yup Africano, to meet the requirements and desires of our guests, we offer an array of opulent yachts. From a small yacht that can accommodate 10–15 people to large luxury yachts that can accommodate more than 100 people, we offer multiple options.

Your requirements and the number of guests attending your wedding can help you charter a luxury yacht that will fulfill all your requirements. Every yacht at Yup Africano is different in terms of layout, design, and style, yet they all provide you with the same exquisite wedding day experience.

Lip Smacking Catering

Food is something all wedding guests look forward to, and that is why it has to be the best. Whether you consider a wedding party yacht rental or a wedding vow yacht rental, at Yup Africano, we offer exclusive catering services. With our catering services, you can wow and surprise your guests with an incredible gastronomic experience. To satisfy the appetites of your guests, our crew members and chefs onboard are highly trained and certified to prepare the best possible cuisine. Your yacht wedding ceremony will be pure happiness and a super hit among your friends and guests, thanks to Yup Africano’s talented chefs and top catering staff. From vegan delicacies to some of the best meaty dishes, our extensive menu will ensure all guests are delighted and well-fed during the wedding ceremony or party.

Beverage Services

A yacht wedding is incomplete without beverages. From some of the most delicious cocktails and mocktails to Masala Chia and coffee that can beat Starbucks, you can expect top beverage service from us. Along with exclusive yachts in Dubai, Yup Africano offers a delectable beverage menu. Your wedding celebrations can be made more colorful by the skilled bartenders at Yup Africano. They can create and serve personalized cocktails of superior quality to ensure a seamless and enjoyable celebration of your big day.

Also, read: Make Your Family Yacht Trip Memorable With These Tips

Live Music and DJ

Private yacht rental in Dubai with Yup Africano comes with exciting live entertainment and expert DJ services to make your wedding reception party even more enjoyable. Our skilled DJ can make your wedding reception come to life by selecting music that fits the needs of the ceremony. To make your event unforgettable, our talented performers provide a range of services like presentations, picture booths, uplighting, casino tables, and microphone systems. Along with this, we have a host of other live entertainment options that you can include in your yacht charter package and make your wedding day fun.

Wedding Cake

Like we said earlier, food and wedding cake are two things that make the wedding day even more memorable. That is why your party yacht rental in Dubai comes with exclusive wedding cake options. To add even more sweetness to your newlywed life, we offer personalized and scrumptious wedding cakes. From vegan cakes to cakes that are healthier and protein-rich, you can make your bookings with us the way you want. And if you don’t want a cake for your wedding, then you may choose from a delectable selection of pastries, baklava, Arabic sweets, Indian sweets, and other treats.

Wedding Coordinator

When you choose Dubai yacht rental with Yup Africano, you get access to our expert wedding coordinator. Our coordinator will assist you in organizing and directing every facet of your nuptials. They will pay close attention to the ideas you have for your wedding ceremony and even suggest better ideas to make sure everything is just right on the most significant day of your life.

You may enjoy reading our blog titled “10 Can’t Miss Experiences on Your Dubai Tour.”


A yacht charter in Dubai for a wedding with Yup Africano not only offers you an exquisite venue for your wedding day, but it also comes with a bunch of other amazing services like a wedding coordinator, a professional photographer or videographer, catering services, beverage services, wedding cake and sweet treats, live entertainment, and a professional DJ. With us, your wedding day will be dreamy and elevated. So if you are planning your wedding in Dubai, consider yacht rental with Yup Africano.

Complete Guide for Planning a Vacation to Tanzania From Dubai

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Complete Guide for Planning a Vacation to Tanzania From Dubai

For people who enjoy adventure and travel, Tanzania is an amazing destination. With its proximity to the Indian Ocean, this stunning nation of East Africa offers something for everyone, from kids to adults and grandparents, all of whom can enjoy this perfect spot. You can have all the holidays you have always wanted right here in this sunny haven, thanks to its large cities and unspoiled scenery. At Yup Africano, we provide complete support from your initial planning days to the final bookings and execution of your vacation in Tanzania. You will also find tips on where to go, how to plan, and how to make the most of your travels to help you organize the ideal vacation, in our blog section.

In this blog post, we are sharing a detailed guide to help you plan your vacation to Tanzania from Dubai. So stay tuned till the end of the blog, and do share it with your friends and family who are planning their vacation.

Don’t Forget to Read: Tanzania’s Ecotourism Offerings

But First, Let Us Learn in Brief About Tanzania

For first-time visitors, Tanzania may seem like an extreme country. However, let us assure you that this won’t affect the quality of your vacation; if anything, it will enhance your experience. So go ahead and start planning your Dubai customized tours for vacation in Tanzania.

As we said earlier, Tanzania is known as an extreme country since, it is home to the second-deepest lake in the world and Africa’s tallest peak, rising 600 feet (or 200 meters) above sea level. Yes, Kilimanjaro, standing at 19,340 feet (5,895 meters), is located in this vibrant nation. At 4,710 feet (1,436 meters), Lake Tanganyika is the second-deepest lake in the world. By listing these places, we don’t mean to say that only these most well-known areas of the nation are the places where you can find happiness or have fun. Tanzania is filled with hidden spots and places that can bring you immense joy and happiness.

Rich History of Tanzania

Before you plan your holiday packages from Dubai to Tanzania, know its history, and it will make you even more excited to visit the country. The islands, known as Zanzibar, and the mainland, known as Tanganyika, united in 1964. The United Republic of Tanzania was established at this time, and the name Tanzania for the country was also born. Only when both nations gained their independence from the British was the merger feasible. Zanzibar did not become independent until January 1964, whereas Tanganyika did it in 1961. After three months, Tanzania united. Tanzania is referred to as “the Cradle of Mankind” since it is home to the oldest known human fossils. Tanzania has maintained much of its original heritage due to the 120 distinct indigenous groups that call the country home and the low rate of colonial settlement and emigration throughout its history.

Culture of Tanzania

Culture is another aspect that makes people excited about visiting different places in the world. To get a better understanding of the culture of Tanzania, you can plan customized group trips in Dubai with Yup Africano. Tanzanian culture depends heavily on the idea of kin and family. Families and special occasions are given top importance, no matter how difficult or inconvenient times may be, family is a strong organization in the country. Even though Tanzania’s transportation infrastructure needs improvement, a family member’s arrival for a celebration won’t be prevented. Tanzanian culture also places a high value on the arts and history. Entertainment mostly consists of speeches and dance-telling stories. Furthermore, the concepts of history and nature are intertwined because researchers from all over the world have established that humans originated in Tanzania. Isn’t this amazing fact enough to pack the bags and visit this amazing nation?

Also read: Discover the Exquisite Floral Delights of Tanzania.

Best Time to Visit Tanzania

There are two seasons in Tanzania: wet and dry. According to what suits you best, you can get your Tanzania safari package from Dubai. Beginning around the end of October and lasting through January is the rainy season. It resumes in March and lasts through June. The dry season occurs in between these rainy spells. When traveling during the dry season (February through July and September), you can explore the area under the gorgeous 77°F (25°C) sun and climb mountains safely. There will be more easily navigable roads and more waterholes, which will make it simpler to see the wildlife.

However, you may also do this during the rainy season if you want to witness massive animal movements. The meadow will be vibrant and lush, and the fauna will be delighted with the rain during this time.

Is a Visa Needed to Visit Tanzania?

You will require a single-entry tourist visa, a return ticket, and a passport to travel to Tanzania. However, when you book your Tanzania tour packages from Dubai with Yup Africano, our experts can guide you with the right information depending on your nationality. Your Tanzania visa can be obtained at the airport; however, the passport must be valid for at least six months before your arrival date. Even though you can wait until the last minute to apply for a visa, doing so may result in denials and delays. We suggest submitting your visa application well in advance to prevent price increases and lengthy lines at the immigration desk. Yup Africano offers all-inclusive Tanzania holiday packages from Dubai, which also include visa processing and other formalities.

Are Vaccinations Needed?

Before visiting Tanzania, it is advised to seek advice regarding the following vaccinations:

  • Yellow Fever
  • Diphtheria
  • Tetanus
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Meningitis
  • Polio
  • Tuberculosis

A typhoid vaccination is advised by certain doctors if you plan to remain in the country for more than two weeks. Additionally, some doctors advise getting vaccinated against rabies if you are planning to work on a farm or engage in direct animal interaction, such as stroking animals. Ask your doctor about the immunizations you have already had, as many people are protected from diseases like meningitis when they are young. You should simultaneously start planning for vaccinations when you start planning your Tanzania holiday from Dubai.

Currency of Tanzania

The Tanzanian shilling is the country’s currency. Frequently, it is written with TSH or /=. There are 500s, 1000s, and 5000s of notes in addition to 50s, 100s, and 200s of coins. The majority of communities easily swap US dollars, European euros, and British pounds sterling. You might notice, though, that a lot of places in the nation accept US dollars and euros.

Do Read: Unveiling 9 Breathtaking Islands That Deserve a Visit in Tanzania

Top 7 Outdoor Activities to Do in Marsa Alam

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Top 7 Outdoor Activities to Do in Marsa Alam

Some travel for leisure, others for adventure, and when you plan a trip to Marsa Alam from Dubai with Yup Africano, you get the best of both worlds. However, in this blog, we shall focus on the adventure side.

From eating lavish spreads that are inspired by global continental cuisine to eating local cuisine and gaining the experience of a lifetime, Marsa Alam offers a wonderful experience to all tourists alike. Talking of adventures, the place offers unlimited adventures to people of all ages. From stargazing nights that the entire family can enjoy to the snorkeling and diving activities that true adventure lovers enjoy, you will find more than what you ask for in this hidden paradise of Egypt. So let’s get started and read this blog post till the end.

Do read our blog titled “Go a Little Off Track: Visit Marsa Alam in Egypt.”

1. Booking a Dolphin Snorkeling Cruise

Who doesn’t love dolphins? From the little kids to grown adults and even seniors with silver hair, all get a chuckle seeing cute dolphins. Yup Africano specializes in arranging customized group trips in Dubai for Marsa Alam that include the booking and planning of exciting activities like dolphin snorkeling. Everything, from booking your cruise to arranging for lunch and back-and-forth travel, is managed by us. All you have to do is make a decision, and the rest will be taken care of by Yup Africano. You have both budget-friendly and luxury options for your dolphin cruise. So irrespective of how much you want to spend on your dolphin expedition, you can enjoy a leisurely activity combined with adventure by booking a dolphin snorkeling cruise.

2. Came Riding Tour

This thing is hit among kids: “riding a camel.” If you are planning a trip for your family, then don’t forget to include a camel riding tour in your Dubai to Egypt tour packages because kids and adults alike love to stroll through the vastness of Marsa Alam dessert seated on the back of a Camel, “the desert horse or the desert ship,” as it was popularly regarded back in the early 90s. What is striking about the camel tour in Marsa Alam is that you can book a combined tour that will take you from the desert to the sea. Amazing scenery awaits you when you embark on this scenic tour. This tour is popular among solo travelers as it allows them to strike up a conversation with the owner of the camel and other travelers like them.

Also, read our blog titled “Common Misconceptions About Egypt’s Siwa Oasis.”

3. Stargazing in the Marsa Alam Desert

If there is one thing that people, irrespective of their age, cannot resist, then it should be the opportunity for stargazing. You must include stargazing in Marsa Alam in your Egypt tour packages from the UAE, especially if you live in a buzzing city like Dubai, where, because of light pollution, the opportunity to witness stars is very rare in the cities. With Yup Africano, you get a guided experience where our guides help you gaze at different planets and constellations, not just stars. So when you go back home, you will have amazing stories of the distant planets and the stars to tell your friends and family. Along with stargazing, Yup Africano can also barbeque dinner for you. The cuisine of the barbeque can be anything that you may like; it can even be vegan or vegetarian. Imagine enjoying a lavish spread of vegan barbecue in Marsa Alam, gazing at stars, and learning about planets. Wouldn’t that be a fun experience?

4. Snorkeling

Snorkeling in the blue, crystal-clear seas of Marsa Alam is one of the most popular adventurous activities here. Most of the people who book Egypt packages from Dubai include snorkeling, and if this is your first trip to the place, then you must do it. While snorkeling, you can witness some of the best coral reefs in the sea at the Red Sea and walk on the pristine beaches. In addition to coral reefs, the Red Sea of Marsa Alam is known for its turtles and rich marine life.

5. Morning Quad Biking

If you are an early riser, then your trip to Egypt from Dubai must include a quad biking expedition in Marsa Alam. The wonders that Marsa Alam offers in the early morning hours are second to none. They are wonderful and put any person in awe of them. From the tiny pink blooms at the roadside to the crystal, clear blue waters of the sea and golden sands, morning quad biking will be an adventure-packed outdoor activity that you will certainly enjoy in Marsa Alam.

6. Yacht Cruise

Towards a little luxury and a little adventure, Egypt has been known for the Nile cruise and different cruises since the mid-nineteenth century. So if you are planning to visit Egypt, especially Marsa Alam, then you must certainly book yourself seats on a yacht cruise. It will take you in the middle of the sea towards the horizon, and while appreciating the evening beauty during sunset, you can indulge in your favorite beverages while thinking of the glorious future that lies ahead of you and get nostalgic about the good old days when you were a little boy or girl.

7. Take a Walking Tour

Another activity that we suggest to all our patrons is taking a walking tour anywhere they visit. Yup Africano arranges a walking tour for all who wish to see the marvels of native life on foot and get a firsthand experience. From watching local artisans make beaded jewelry to picking up tasteful gifts, a walking tour will be a valuable activity that will enrich your journey to Marsa Alam.

Related Read: Top 7 Places to See in Farafra Oasis on a 4-Day Trip from Dubai

The Best Places to Stay in Zanzibar

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The Best Places to Stay in Zanzibar

Some like to travel luxuriously and stay in luxury resorts, while others love to travel smart and opt for affordable accommodations. Whatever you prefer, Zanzibar is a place that has amazing options of accommodations for all.

Waking up in the sun and letting the sand touch your bare feet are some of the things you will experience in Zanzibar, irrespective of where you stay. However, to truly enjoy African charm on your trip to Zanzibar from Dubai, you need to pick your stay smartly. And as at Yup Africano, we have a reputation for making all our travelers happy. Here is a list of amazing stays to pick from.

So let’s dive into the wonderful world of unique hotels and resorts in Zanzibar. Don’t forget to share this amazing blog post with your friends and family and give them travel goals.

Here are the top reasons why Zanzibar is a paradise for beach lovers?

Nungwi Island

On the northern tip of Zanzibar, Nungwi is located. It has stunning white sand beaches and crystal-clear blue water like all other parts of Zanzibar. However, its water sports and adventurous activity offerings make it the perfect place to plan customized group trips in Dubai to this stunning marvel in Tanzania. Nungwi offers multiple accommodation options, from high-end boutique hotels to all-inclusive luxury resorts. Yup Africano’s top picks are;

  • Essque Zalu Zanzibar

If you love luxury, then Zanzibar has loads of it, and first on our list is Essque Zalu Zanzibar. This stunning, luxurious resort offers spacious villas and suites with breathtaking ocean views. Here, you can indulge in a range of activities, including snorkeling, diving, and sunset cruises. Additionally, Yup Africano can arrange for amazing sightseeing for you on this island.

  • The Z Hotel

The name itself of this hotel speaks of luxury. The Z hotel, with its stylish design and laid-back atmosphere, is perfect for travelers seeking a close-knit and high-end boutique hotel experience. Enjoy cocktails by the infinity pool or unwind with a massage at the on-site spa. You can spoil yourself day in and day out at this wonderful hotel. All you have to do is book Zanzibar tour packages from Dubai with Yup Africano, and we will manage the rest.

Visiting Tanzania for the first time? Then discover the exquisite floral delights of Tanzania in our blog section.

Matemwe Island

For our next island, Zanzibar, we are taking you slightly to the eastern side of the northern region. Matemwe is known for its pristine beaches, coral reefs, and laid-back vibe. If you have booked a thrilling and adventure-packed Tanzania safari package from Dubai and need a few days to relax, then Matemwe is the ideal spot. Yup Africano’s top picks for Matemwe are;

  • Matemwe Retreat

If you are someone who loves to relax and chill in plunge pools with unending ocean views, then Matemwe Retreat is for you. This exclusive boutique hotel offers luxurious villas with Instagram-worthy private plunge pools that offer panoramic ocean views. Here, you can enjoy personalized service, gourmet dining experiences, and private excursions organized by Yup Africano to nearby Mnemba Island for snorkeling and diving.

  • Sunshine Marine Lodge

African holidays are incomplete without a stay at a lodge, so do remember to include a stay at a lodge in your Dubai customized tours for Tanzania. Sunshine Marine Lodge is located on a cliff that overlooks the Indian Ocean. Additionally, this pristine lodge offers eco-friendly accommodations with stunning sea views. You can relax in the infinity pool, indulge in spa treatments, or go on guided tours to explore the island’s natural beauty.

If you are exploring more islands, then read our blog titled “Unveiling 9 Breathtaking Islands That Deserve a Visit in Tanzania.”

Kendwa Island

Let’s go further to the western tip of Zanzibar to visit our next island. Situated on the northwest coast of Zanzibar, Kendwa offers a laid-back atmosphere with stunning sunsets and a more relaxed vibe compared to neighboring Nungwi. If you are planning a honeymoon, then your Tanzania holiday packages from Dubai are incomplete without a visit to Kendwa. Yup Africano’s top picks for Kendwa are;

  • Kendwa Rocks Beach Resort

Who says honeymoons have to be costly? With Yup Africano, you can book your honeymoon holiday packages from Dubai to Tanzania at Kendwa Rocks Beach Resort. Despite being budget-friendly, this resort offers all the amenities to make your honeymoon comfortable. Here, you will find beachfront bungalows as well as dormitories to stay in. So even if you are on a low budget, expect a classy holiday at this resort. You will also enjoy live music events and play beach volleyball at this resort.

  • Diamonds La Gemma

Talking about affordable luxury, how can we forget about ultra-luxury seekers? Diamonds La Gemma dell’Est is a wonderful property on this island. When you plan a Zanzibar holiday from Dubai, choose to stay at this unique resort. It offers a luxurious beach resort experience and has spacious rooms with multiple swimming pools. While you can be lazy here, you can also break the laziness by diving into the ocean. The resort’s all-inclusive package includes gourmet dining options and access to the on-site spa.

Stone Town Island

A trip to Zanzibar is incomplete without cultural immersion. And what can be a better pace than Stone Town to dip your toes into the amazing culture of Zanzibar? Stone Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site on the island and also the cultural capital of the region. Stone Town is known for its amazing alleys, historic buildings, and lively markets. Staying in Stone Town will let you immerse yourself in the island’s rich history and vibrant culture. Yup Africano’s top picks for Stone Town include;

  • Park Hyatt Zanzibar

Overlooking the Indian Ocean, the Park Hyatt Zanzibar is situated on an oceanfront and combines modern luxury with Swahili architecture. You can easily explore nearby attractions such as the House of Wonders and Forodhani Gardens when you stay here. The hotel offers world-class dining at two of its flagship restaurants.

  • Emerson on

If you want to step back in time, then Emerson on Hurumzi is the place for you. The hotel is housed in a beautifully restored 19th-century building and offers an impressive boutique hotel experience. Each room is elegantly decorated with antique furnishings, and you can enjoy panoramic views of Stone Town from the rooftop terrace.

So what place are you picking? Call team Yup Africano and book your stay today! We offer the best deals!

Common Misconceptions About Egypt’s Siwa Oasis

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Common Misconceptions About Egypt’s Siwa Oasis

In the middle of the Egyptian Western Desert, far from Egypt’s modern communities, there is an ancient village that has managed to preserve not just its pristine natural beauty but also a rich human experience. Like many thrilling adventures, the Siwa Oasis is difficult to completely understand unless you live it for what it is: a singular experience. To get such unmatched singular experiences, embarking on a customized trip is the best thing that you can achieve.

At Yup Africano, we specialize in organizing customized trips to Siwa from Dubai and the Middle East. While you start preparing for your Siwa trip from Dubai by looking at online information at Yup Africano, we want to give you some misconceptions that are lying about Siwa on the web. After reading about these common misconceptions and myths, you will have a much better holiday in Siwa. So let’s get started, and do share this blog with your friends who are planning their holidays.

You may also find our blog titled “Explore Siwa’s Historical Marvels” interesting to read.

Primitive Desert Life

Indeed, Siwa is a place where you get a strong resemblance to the past. However, because of this, people assume that Siwa is still lost in the past and has no real connection with the modern world. This has to be one of the biggest myths associated with this wonderful place. One of the best ways to bust this myth is to personally visit Siwa by booking customized group trips in Dubai to Siwa and checking it out for yourself.

However, to help you make your decision, we are clearing up the fact that Siwa does have mud and brick buildings even today, but they also have Wi-Fi routers and the latest smartphones, including iPhones, in such homes. In the middle of the scorching desert, living in a mud home is not only a wise decision for the locals from an energy perspective, but it also helps them maintain their unique identity and offers tourists a rustic appearance. After all, if Siwa citizens built skyscrapers, would there be any visitors there?

Also, read our blog titled “Everything You Need to Know about Visiting Siwa.”

Rigid Bedouin Culture

Another misconception that has passed along quite a bit about people from Siwa is that they are Bedouins. Siwis, in actuality, are not Bedouins at all. The Siwis have built a very tangible culture that goes back even further than the Bedouins. Bedouins are people of a community who roam the deserts in search of greenery and water.

Whereas people from Siwa are not wanderers, the Siwan people are regarded as the easternmost extension of the indigenous Berber civilization (also called Amazigh) of North Africa. This explains why they speak a dialect of Tamazight that is different from the rest of the dialects spoken in Egypt—a dialect heavily influenced by Arabic. Talking about the rigidity of the people of Siwa, the locals are really sweet and welcoming of visitors and tourists. Cultural experience is one of the main reasons why people book Dubai to Egypt tour packages with Yup Africano.

Another noteworthy thing about the oasis is that it has, for the longest periods, had significance as a stopover on the busiest trade routes. The oasis served as a crossroads for many cultural exchanges, expanding the residents’ perspectives and horizons without altering the essence of their culture. So calling people in Siwa rigid or stubborn wouldn’t be fair at all.

Siwa has a Conservative Society

Another misconception about the people living in Siwa is that they are conservative and do not give freedom to their women. However, the fact is that living in the middle of the desert has helped the Siwi people preserve their culture while acknowledging and respecting cultural distinctions, even though many generations of them have been exposed to a wide variety of civilizations as a result of the trading routes. The near-total lack of women on the street is among the first things newcomers will notice. It won’t take long to realize that Siwi ladies are the only ones who stroll the streets dressed in their customary blue sheets. This observation frequently leads to presumptions that women in Siwa live oppressed lives with few rights. On the contrary, a great deal of Siwa, both male and female, have attested to the fact that women are highly esteemed and respected in Siwa. We are sure that when you book Egypt tour packages from the UAE with us and visit Siwa, you will be astonished to see how women are respected and treated well in the oasis.

If this will be your first visit to Egypt, here are 9 tips for your first Egypt visit that will help you make your trip successful.

Siwa Remained in Hundred Years of Solitude

Another fact that people believe about Siwa is that it has been in solitude for the past 100 years. With so many hotels, resorts, and tourist attractions that have flooded the oasis, how do people even assume that it was trapped a century ago? Today, you can easily book your Egypt packages from Dubai, including Siwa, using online applications and websites. Yup Africano can arrange your entire Siwa trip right in Dubai without you lifting a finger. All of this is possible only because of the technology that the Siwan people have adapted. From jacuzzis to air conditioning, LED TVs, and more, you will find modern amenities and luxurious facilities at various places in Siwa Oasis.

Siwa Has Nothing but Dessert

This is another myth that is widely believed about Siwa—that it is nothing but dessert. However, Siwa is indeed surrounded by sand dunes on all four sides. But at the same time, Siwa is one of the greenest places that you will find anywhere nearby. From lush green patches of trees and bushes to date and palm tree orchards, you will find a lot of amusing places in the Oasis. So without further ado, book your trip to Egypt from Dubai to visit Siwa and bust all the myths yourself.

Concluding Lines

Like all tourist places, Siwa received its fair share of myths and amusement surrounding it. We busted all these myths for you so that you can enjoy your holiday in this wonderful oasis and have the best time.

Related Read: Siwa, the Dreamy Oasis in the Middle of Dessert